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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Genus Bonamia Thouars
PlaceOfPublication Hist. Veg. Isl. France 1: 33. 1804, nom. cons.
Note TYPE: B. madagascariensis Poir.
Synonym Breweria R. Br., Prodr. 487. 1810. TYPE: Bonamia linearis (R.Br.) Hall. f. Trichantha Karst. & Triana, Linnaea 28: 437. 1856, non Hook. (1844). TYPE: T. ferruginea Karst. & Triana = Bonamia trichantha (Karst. & Triana) Hall. f.
Description Lianas to small scrambling shrubs or herbaceous vines, mostly perennial, glabrous to pubescent. Leaves entire, lanceolate to ovate. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or few-flowered dichasia or panicles; the bracts small. Flowers with the sepals obtuse to acute, subequal, the outer ones larger and suborbicular; corolla campanulate or funnelform, the limb plicate, the interplicae ferrugineous; stamens included, the filaments filiform, mostly triangular-dilate and glandular- pubescent at the base, the anthers oval or oblong, the pollen 3-colpate; ovary 2-locular, 4-ovulate, the style filiform, bifid to almost entire, or the styles 2 and free, the stigmas capitate, subglobose. Fruits capsular, 4-valvate, pericarp membranaceous to coriaceous; seeds 4 or fewer by abortion, glabrous or pu- bescent.
Habit Lianas to small scrambling shrubs or herbaceous vines
Distribution There are about 45 species of this genus in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres. Two species occur in Panama.
Note Myint and Ward (1968) report a third species for Central America, but this species belongs to the genus Itzaea (Austin, 1971).
Reference Austin, D. F. Relations of Itzaea sericea. Biotropica 3: 32-35. 1971. Myint, T. & D. B. Ward. A taxonomic revision of the genus Bonamia (Con- volvulaceae). Phytologia 17: 121-239. 1968.
Key a. Leaves sparsely pubescent, glabrous or glabrescent on both sides; inner and outer sepals sparsely pubescent to glabrous, to 5 mm long; seeds pubescent with long yel- lowish trichomes ...... 2. B. trichantha aa. Leaves densely pubescent on both sides; inner and outer sepals densely pubescent, to 10 mm long; seeds glabrous ...... 1. B. sulphurea
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