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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/31/2013)
Genus Dichondra J. R. & G. Forster
PlaceOfPublication Char. Gen. P1. 39, pl. 20. 1776.
Note TYPE: D. repens Forster.
Description Herbs with slender glabrous or pubescent sterns which are mostly repent. Leaves cordate-orbicular to reniform, small, entire, with long petioles. Flowers inconspicuous, small, axillary, greenish-yellow, solitary and pedicellate; sepals subequal, distinct, mostly spathulate; corolla broadly campanulate, deeply 5- lobed, the lobes induplicate; stamens shorter than the corolla, the filaments subulate or filiform, the anthers cuniform, the pollen 3-colpate; ovary bilobate, the lobes distinct or basally united, 2-locular, biovulate, styles 2, attached be- tween the ovary lobes and appearing almost gynobasic, filiform, the stigmas capitate. Fruits capsular or utriculate, 2, membranaceous, usually 1-seeded, irregularly bivalvate or indehiscent; seeds subglobose, smooth, the cotyledon oblong-linear, 2-plicate.
Habit Herbs
Note A small genus of about 12 closely allied species,
Distribution pantropical in distribution.
Reference Tharp, B. D. & M. C. Johnston. Recharacterization of Dichondra and a re- vision of North American species. Brittonia 13: 346-360. 1961.
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