(Last Modified On 7/25/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/25/2013)
Dicliptera Juss.
Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 267. 1807, nom. cons.
not Dia- pedium Konig. (1805). TYPE: D. chinensis (L.) Juss., typ. cons.
Herbs or shrubs; stems more or less hexagonal in cross section. Leaves mostly ovate with entire or undulate margins, petiolate. Inflorescences of cymes, spikes, panicles or thyrses, subtended by 2-4 pairs of conspicuous involucrate bracts. Flowers with the calyx 5-merous, hyaline; corollas narrow, slightly funnelform, bilabiate; stamens 2, the anther cells often unequal; staminodes absent. Capsules ovate or clavate; seeds 2 or 4.
Herbs or shrubs
There have been 150 species of the New and Old World tropics and sub- tropics described for this genus, most easily recognized by its hexagonal stems and flattened reduced cymes with bracts.
a. Inflorescences in axillary cymes; corollas 3 cm long or more. b. Floral bracts rounded and apiculate. c. Leaf bases obtuse to rounded; corolla bright pink ...... 1. D. gracilis cc. Leaf bases attenuate; corolla purplish ...... 4. D. trifurca bb. Floral bracts apically acute ...... 3. D. iopus aa. Inflorescences in terminal spicate panicles or terminal and axillary spikelike thyrses; corollas 2.5 cm long or less. d. Inflorescences in spikelike thyrses (narrow, compact panicles with cymose lateral branches); corollas white ...... 2. D. imbricata dd. Inflorescences in spicate panicles (clusters of spikes); corollas red ...... 5. D. vahliana
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