(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
Sauvagesia L.
Sp. P1. 203, 1753.
Sauvagea Neck., Elem. Bot. 2: 378, 1790. Roraimanthus Gleason, Phytologia 1: 39, 1933.
Herbs or rarely low shrubs, glabrous; stems usually branched; roots fibrous. Leaves subsessile, the blades with the costa usually prominent above and below, the margin ciliate, the lateral veins sharply ascending; stipules persistent, ciliate. Inflorescences with the bostryces either axillary and fasciculate or terminal and paniculate, rarely solitary. Flowers pedicellate; sepals 5, quincuncial, subequal, expanded at anthesis, appressed and persistent in the fruit; petals, 5, imbricate in the bud, deciduous; segments of the exterior corona present or absent, usually filamentous, shorter than the interior corona, disposed in 1-3 continuous whorls, or fasciculate and opposite the stamens, persistent in the fruit; segments of the interior corona 5, free, petaloid; stamens 5, the filaments often longer than the anthers; ovary flask-shaped, 3-carpellate, the placentae parietal, the ovules oo, the style longer than the ovary, occasionally persistent in the unopened fruit. Capsules smooth, acute, the seeds round, reticulate, not winged.
Herbs shrubs
Widely distributed throughout the tropics of the New World. Sauvagesia erecta may be native to Africa.
a. Stipules with cilia bearing an obvious gland ..... 1. S. pulchella aa. Stipules with eglandular cilia. b. Herbs up to or exceeding 10 cm; exterior corona present. c. Bostryces axillary; herbs up to 0.5 dm; median leaves up to 1.3 cm wide ........2. S. erecta cc. Bostryces terminal; herbs up to 10 dm; median leaves 1.5-2.5 cm wide ........3. S. elata bb. Herbs up to 3-7 cm; exterior corona absent -4. S. tenella
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