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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Gen. P1., ed. 5, 163. 1754.
Synonym Hartmannia Spach, Hist. Nat. Veg. Phan. 4:370. 1835. Xylopleurum Spach, l.c. Rairniannia Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8:330. 1905.
Description Annual to perennial, caulescent or acaulescent herbs, with alternate or basal leaves. Flowers white to yellow or rose, often aging reddish or purplish, solitary in axils or in racemes or spikes. Floral tube prolonged beyond the ovary, quite deciduous. Sepals 4, reflexed in anthesis. Petals 4. Stamens 8, equal, or if unequal the epipetalous shorter; anthers mostly versatile. Stigma varying from having 4 linear lobes, to discoid or capitate. Capsule membranous to woody, straight to curved or coiled, 4-loculed, 4-valved, mostly dehiscent. Seeds many, naked.
Distribution A genus of ca. 200 species mostly of temperate parts of the Americas.
Key a. Capsule broadest above the middle, clavate, 4-angled or -winged; seeds appearing smooth under hand-lens. (Subgenus Hart mannia). b. Petals 2-3.5 cm. long, white, aging pink; body of capsule 1-1.5 cm. long, with wings 2-3 mm. wide ..... .......................... ............................. 2. OF. TETRAPTERA bb. Petals 0.3-1 cm. long, not white; body of capsule mostly shorter, with narrower wings. c. Flowers yellow or greenish, aging orange-red, the petals 3-6 mm. long; leaves subentire.-1. OE. MULTICAULIS cc. Flowers rose to red-violet, aging purplish, the petals 5-10 mm. long; leaves mostly sinuate-pinnatifid to -dentate-.......................... . 3. OE. ROSEA aa. Capsule cylindrical, subterete; petals yellow, 5-15 mm. long; seeds evenly and regularly pitted. (Subgenus Raimannia) . ...... 4. OE. LACINIATA
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