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Published In: Handbuch des Naturlichen Pflanzensystems 236. 1837. (1-7 Oct 1837) (Handb. Nat. Pfl.-Syst.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Synonym Text: Polygonum L. section Aconogonon Meisn. Monog. Gen. Polygoni Prodr. 43. 1826; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 49. 1886; Ronse Decr. & Akeroyd in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 337. 1988; Pleuropteropyrum H. Gross in Bull. Geogr. Bot. 23: 9. 1913; Munshi & Javeid, Syst. Stud. Polygon. Kashm. Him. 77. 1986.
General/Distribution: A genus with about 18-20 species, distributed from North to South Asia, Japan and North America. Represented in Pakistan by 5 species.


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Large shrubs or subshrubby perennials, rarely annual herbs . Leaves usually large and broad, ochrea tubular, eciliate, membranous. Inflorescence a branched panicle. Bracts (ochreolae) not tubular, very open. Flowers pedicellate, pedicel with or without articulation. Perianth 5-partite, eglandular. corolloid. Stamens 8, rarely less, outer sometimes shorter. Nectaries conspicuous but fused basally into a prominent disc-like structure, confluent with the bases of the stamens. Styles 2-3, usually very short, stigmas capitate. Nut trigonous with sharp angles, usually exerted or rarely inserted in the persistent enclosing perianth segments; rarely baccate in fruit.

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1 Fruits neither baccate nor enclosed by fleshy but normal thin tepals. Plants usually erect. (2)
+ Fruits baccate, enclosed by thick fleshy reddish-black tepals. Plants usually creeping to suberect. 2 Aconogonon molle
2 (1) Inflorescence of dense terminal panicle only. (3)
+ Inflorescence of terminal as well as axillary panicles. (4)
3 (2) Leaves lanceolate to narrowly-lanceolate, attenuate at the base. Inflorescence not with dense flowered clusters. Pedicel articulate. 1 Aconogonon alpinum
+ Leaves ovate to obovate-lanceolate with cuneate or rounded base. Inflorescence with numerous dense flowered clusters. Pedicel not articulate. 4 Aconogonon coriarium
4 (2) Stem usually dichotomously branched, ± woody. Leaves not fleshy, lamina 1.2-6.8 cm long, petiole 0.5-3 (-4) mm long. Flowers creamy white. 5 Aconogonon tortuosum
+ Stem usually unbranched, herbaceous. Leaves usually thick and fleshy, lamina 5-13 cm long, petiole 0.6-3.5 cm long. Flowers greenish. 3 Aconogonon rumicifolium
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