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Group: Dicot Rank: genus Kind: Replacement Name Herbarium Placement: Bayer, 3rd, D, 270

Authors: Published In: Familles des Plantes 2: 146. 1763. (Fam. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Annotation: Nom. superfl., cited in synonymy were Ixora L., also Jasminum of Pluk. and of Burm., and Pavetta of Brown; those correspond to other Linnean names; Mouly et al. (2009 in Amer. J. Bot.) cited this name as a synonym of Ixora, which seems to be an inadvertent though also invalid lectotypfication that has fixed the usage
Nomenclature Reason: Nom. superfl.

Replaced Synonym:
!Ixora L.  1753 (1 May 1753) 
Nomenclaturally Correct Name:
!Ixora L. 
Higher Taxa:     Taxonomy Browser
Concept:    details Projects: Madagascar

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