(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/31/2012)
Fl. Peruv. Prodr. 47. 1794.
Hoiriri Adans. Fam. P1. 2:67, 584. 1763. Oechmea J. St.-Hil. Expos. Fam. 1:103. 1805. Eriostax Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4:25. 1838. Pothuava Gaud. Bot. Voy. Bonite, pl. ii6, II7. 1847. Macrochordion de Vriese in Jaarb. Nederl. Maatsch. Tuinb. 1853:14. 1853. Hoplophytum Beer in Flora 37:348. 1854. Echinostachys Brongn. ex Planch. Hort. Donat. 25. 1854. Libonia Lemaire in Ill. Hortic. 2:pl. 48. 1855. Lamprococcus Beer, Bromel. 21, 103. 1857. Ortgiesia Regel in Gartenfl. 16:193. 1867.
Large or medium-sized stemless herbs. Leaves rosulate. Scape usually con- spicuous. Inflorescence of various types. Flowers usually sessile. Sepals usually asymmetric, usually mucronate, free or connate. Petals free, bearing 2 scales each. Second series of stamens more or less joined to the petals. Pollen grains with 2 or 4 pores or sometimes aborted. Ovules caudate or obtuse. Berry usually dry. Seeds small.
a. Flowers slenderly pedicellate -1. AE. MEXICANA aa. Flowers sessile. b. Spikes polystichous-flowered. c. Floral bracts or at least the lower ones serrate or serrulate, nearly or quite as long as the flowers. d. Floral bracts firm, densely serrate or serrulate throughout. e. Spikes globose; inflorescence usually compound -2. AE. MAGDALENAE ee. Spikes ovoid or conic to cylindric; inflorescence simple. f. Floral bracts sharply reflexed above the middle, equaling or longer than the mature flowers - 3. AE. VEITCHII ff. Floral bracts merely spreading above the middle, slightly shorter than the mature flowers - -- 4. AE. GERMINYANA dd. Floral bracts membranaceous, the lower ones denticulate toward apex and much exceeding the flowers - ---- _ 5. AE. ALLENII cc. Floral bracts entire and much exceeded by the sepals or wanting. e. Floral bracts minute or wanting -6. AE. NUDICAULIS ee. Floral bracts conspicuous, the lower ones broad -7. AE. TONDUZII bb. Spikes distichous-flowered. c. Floral bracts alate-decurrent and forming a pouch about the flowers below - - 8. AE. TILLANDSIOIDES cc. Floral bracts not at all decurrent. d. Floral bracts with overlapping edges, forming tubular sheaths about the bases of the flowers - - __ - 9. AE. SETIGERA dd. Floral bracts cymbiform or flat, their edges not meeting. e. Floral bracts 5 mm. long; inflorescence bipinnate -10. AE. ANGUSTIFOLIA ee. Floral bracts 10-17 mm. long; inflorescence 2- to 3-pinnate. f. Floral bracts imbricate and concealing the rhachis, 14-17 mm. long, faintly nerved near the margins -11. AE. DACTYLINA ff. Floral bracts spreading and exposing the rhachis, 10-13 mm. long, prominently and uniformly nerved - - 12. AE. PUBESCENS
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