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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/13/2013)
Genus Aegiphila Jacq.
PlaceOfPublication Obs. Bot. 2: 3. 1764.
Synonym Manabea Aubl., Hist. P1. Guian. 1: 61. 1775. Omphalococca Willd. in Roem. & Schult., Mant. 3: 10. 1827. Amerina P. DC., Prodr. 9: 512-513. 1845. Brueckea Klotzsch & Karst. in Karst., Ausw. Neu. Gew. Venez. 31. 1848. Pseudaegiphila Rusby, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 7: 339. 1927.
Description Woody plants, mostly shrubs or trees, sometimes scandent; branches and branchlets tetragonal or subterete, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leaves This content downloaded from on Thu, 9 May 2013 15:26:14 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions102 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 60 simple, usually decussate-opposite, rarely subopposite or ternate, deciduous, ex- stipulate, mostly petiolate, glabrous or variously pubescent, entire or dentate. Inflorescences cymose, determinate, the cymes often paniculate, umbellate, capitate, reduced to few or solitary flowers, axillary or terminal. Flowers actino- morphic, hypogynous, hermaphroditic but usually conspicuously declinous; calyx gamosepalous, more or less campanulate, cyathiform or tubular, apically truncate and entire or 4- or 5-toothed or -lobed, accrescent, greatly incrassate and indurated in fruit; corolla gamopetalous, infundibular or hypocrateriform, mostly white or yellow, the tube cylindric, the limb equally 4- or 5-parted, the lobes imbricate in prefloration; stamens 4 or 5, equal, isomorphic, inserted below the mouth of the corolla-tube, included or exserted, alternate with the corolla-lobes, the filaments mostly filiform, the anthers often reduced but sometimes still polleniferous in pistillate flowers; pistil one, the style terminal or subterminal, single, capillary, mostly glabrous, the stigma bifid, its branches elongate and awl-shaped, the ovary superior, perfectly or imperfectly 4-celled, each cell 1-ovulate, the ovules lateral or sub-apical, hemianatropous. Fruit drupaceous, mostly fleshy, globose or sub- globose, (1-3-)4-seeded, sometimes fewer by abortion; seeds without endosperm.
Habit shrubs or trees
Distribution A complex genus of about 175 species and infraspecific taxa of subtropical and tropical America. Aegiphila ranges from Cuba and Mexico through the West Indies and Central America to Peru, and northern Argentina. One species is introduced in south Florida. Several species are sometimes cultivated as specimen plants. The Central American forms need further study, preferably in the field.
Note Aegiphila costaricensis Moldenke is a late addition to the treatment. It is described in Brittonia 1: 294. 1935, and in Fieldiana Bot. 24: 170. 1970. BOCAS DEL TORO: Kirkbride & Duke 593 (MO); Pittier & Tonduz 9167 (F, US); Tonduz 8564 (US). DARIEN: Duke 6602 (MO).
Key a. Corolla-limb 5-parted; stamens 5 ...... 1. A. anomala aa. Corolla-limb 4-parted; stamens 4. b. Inflorescence capitate, congested. c. Pubescence of branches, branchlets, and peduncles appressed, canescent ...... 2. A. cephalophora cc. Pubescence of branches, branchlets, and peduncle's spreading, ferruginous ...... 16. A. hoehnei var. spectabilis bb. Inflorescence not capitate during anthesis, distinctly branched. d. Inflorescences axillary only. e. Leaf-blades distinctly serrate ..... 5. A. odontophylla ee. Leaf-blades entire. f. Branchlets glabrate, yellowish, shiny ..... 3. A. laeta ff. Branchlets densely canescent-pubescent ..... 4. A. integrifolia dd.Inflorescences either both axillary and terminal or only terminal and more or less thyrsoid. g. Calyx truncate or subtruncate during anthesis. h. Terminal panicles pendulous, long and narrow during anthesis .......6 . A . pendula hh. Terminal panicles erect during anthesis. i. Branchlets glabrous. j. Leaf-blades conspicuously black-glandulose. k. Leaves manifestly falcate and conduplicate ...... 7. A. glandulifera kk. Leaves neither falcate nor conduplicate ...... 8. A. panamensis jj. Leaf-blades not conspicuously glandulose. 1. Leaves large, broad, and falcate, 10-14 cm wide, broadly rounded at the base ...... 10. A. falcata 11. Leaves usually much narrower, not falcate, 3-10 cm wide ...... 9. A . m artinicensis ii. Branchlets not glabrous. m. Branchlets, leaves, and inflorescences long-setose ...... 14. A. hirsutissima mm. Branchlets, leaves, and inflorescences not setose. n. Branchlets densely pubescent ...... 13. A. mollis nn. Branchlets merely puberulent. o. Inflorescences few-flowered and lax; peduncles, pedicels, and sympodia more or less filiform and weak ...... 12. A. filipes oo. Inflorescences many-flowered; peduncles, pedicels, and sympodia firm. p. Fruiting-calyx subtruncate and entire. q. Leaf-blades conspicuously marked beneath with large black glandular disks; fruiting-calyx cupuliform, closely investing the fruit ...... 8. A. panamensis qq. Leaf-blades not glandular; fruiting-calyx shallow, not closely investing the fruit ...... 11. A. magnifica pp. Fruiting-calyx deeply lobed or split. r. Leaf-blades mostly glabrous on both surfaces, with- out glandular disks beneath ...... 9. A. martinicensis rr. Leaf-blades densely puberulent on both surfaces, with black glandular disks beneath- ...... 11a. A. magnifica var. pubescens gg. Calyx distinctly toothed, lobed, or split during anthesis. s. Leaf-blades glabrous or glabrate beneath ......15. A. elata ss. Leaf-blades densely hairy beneath. t. Cymes congested, densely hirsute, bracteoles conspicuous- ......16. A. hoehnei var. spectabilis tt. Cymes open, densely short-pubescent; bracteoles not conspicuous ...... 17. A . deppeana
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