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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/11/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Gen. P1. ed. 5, 183 (no. 478), 1754.
Synonym Jussieua L. Gen. P1. ed 1, 126. 1737. Corynostigma Presl, Epim. Bot., 218. 1850. Cubospermum Lour., Fl. Cochin., 275. 1790. Oldenlandia P. Br., Hist. Jamaic., 208. 1756.
Description Herbs, shrubs or small trees with alternate, simple, membranaceous or rarely coriaceous leaves. Flowers yellow to white, on short or long pedicels, mostly in axils of more or less reduced upper leaves, hence sometimes paniculate; with 2 bracteoles on pedicel or ovary. Floral tube adnate to ovary and scarcely or not prolonged beyond it. Sepals 4-5 (-6), acute, persistent. Flowers regular; petals 4-5 (-6), caducous; stamens in 2 series, twice as many as petals and inserted with them under the margin of the epigynous usually hairy disc; filaments short; anthers ovate or oblong; pollen usually in tetrads. Ovary elongate, cylindrical or prismatic or obconic, 4-5 (-6) -loculed, with central placentation; style simple, more or less produced above the disc; stigma capitate, 4-5 (-6) -lobed. Ovules many. Capsule cylindrical, prismatic or obconic, 4-6-loculed, loculicidally and septicidally dehiscent. Seeds pluriseriate and naked, with prominent raphe, or uniseriate and surrounded by endocarp.
Habit Herb shrub
Habit tree
Distribution A genus of ca. 40 species, found in wet places in the warmer regions of Old and New Worlds, but concentrated in the American tropics and especially in Brazil.
Note In recent years included by some writers in Ludwigia, and perhaps cor- rectly so. American species of these genera seem to the author to fall into two distinct enough groups to merit generic status. Until more African and Asiatic plants can be studied, it seems best to maintain the present treatment.
Key a. Seeds multiseriate in each locule of the capsule, free (not enclosed in persistent endocarp); flowers mostly 4-merous, if 5-merous, then with capsule obconic or obpyramidal. b. Raphe distinctly smaller than the body of the seed; capsule obconic or obpyramidal (Section Myrtocarpus). c. Plants floating herbs, rooting freely along the stems. d. Leaves crowded in terminal rosettes, the blades rhombic-ovate, 0.5-2 cm. long, strigose beneath; seeds curved toward the apex. 1. J. SEDIOIDES dd. Leaves well distributed, the blades oblanceolate to obovate, 1-3 cm. long, glabrous; seeds straight ........................... 2. J. INCLINATA cc. Plants erect or ascending, herbs or shrubs, not floating. d. Annual herbs with flat triangular bracteoles ca. 0.5 mm. long; capsules oblong-linear, sessile or short-pedicelled, 4-5-angled, 2.5-4 mm. broad. e. Leaves short-petioled; stems strongly angled; sepals 3-4 (-6) mm. long; petals 4-5 mm. long .............................................. 3. J. ERECTA ee. Leaves sessile; stems winged; sepals 7-10 mm. long; petals 8-12 mm. long.4. j EURN t-2m., lo~>........ ..... ......................4.J. DECURRENS dd. Perennial herbs or shrubs; bracteoles usually longer; capsules usually long-pedicelled (except in J. latifolia) and wider. e. Flowers small, sepals 4-5 mm. long; petals 4-6 mm. long; capsule almost round; pedicels 2-3 mm. long at anthesis . 5. J. LATIFOLIA ee. Flowers larger; sepals 8-18 mm. long; petals 10-27 mm. long; capsule more or less angled; pedicels 5-50 mm. long at anthesis. f. Principal lateral veins of leaf 6-12 on each side of midrib; stamens unequal, the episepalous somewhat longer than the epipetalous. g. Pedicels at anthesis 10-20 mm. long; style 1.5-2 mm. long between disc and stigma; seeds curving at apex; disc elevated; pedicels ascending .6. J. NERVOSA gg. Pedicels at anthesis 5-12 mm. long; style 3-4 mm. long between disc and stigma; seeds straight; disc plane; pedicels tend to recurve in bud -7. J. LITHOSPERMIFOLIA ff. Principal lateral veins of leaf 12-30 on each side of midrib; stamens subequal. (306) This content downloaded on Fri, 11 Jan 2013 15:45:56 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions1 9 5 9J FLORA OF PANAMA (Onagraceae) 197 g. The lateral veins mostly 20-30 on each side of leaf- midrib; pedicels 1-2 cm. long at anthesis; bracteoles 1- 1.5 cm. long at anthesis, to 2.5 cm. in fruit; petals 1-1.2 cm. long .............................................. 8. J. FOLIOBRACTEOLATA gg. The lateral veins 12-22 on each side of leaf-midrib; pedicels 2-3.5 cm. long at anthesis; bracteoles 0.5-1.2 cm. long; petals 1.2-2.7 cm. long. .................. 9. J. P1ERJUVIANA bb. Raphe so much enlarged as to be almost equal to the body of the seed; capsule cylindrical. (Section Macrocarpon) .............. 10. J. SUFFRUTICOSA aa. Seeds uniseriate in each locule of the capsule (except in upper portions of capsule of J. linifolia), each seed surrounded by persistent endocarp; flowers 5-6-merous (4-merous in J. linifolia). (Section 3. Jussiaca). b. Flowers 4-merous; capsule somewhat enlarged toward the apex, the seeds uniseriate at base and enclosed in endocarp, multiseriate and not so enclosed above. ...............-.............-....... 11. J. LINIFOLIA bb. Flowers 5-6-merous; seeds uniseriate throughout and enclosed in endocarp. c. Seeds free in the horseshoe-shaped endocarp; petals 5-10 mm. long. d. Leaves lanceolate to lance-linear, mostly 2-20 mm. wide; sepals 5-8 mm. long; disc flat; style 2-4 mm. long to base of stigma; raphe one-sixth to one-eighth of the width of the seed body ....... 12. J. LEPTOCARPA dd. Leaves ovate to elliptic, mostly 15-30 mm. wide; sepals 3.5-5 mm. long; disc elevated; style 1.5-2 mm. long below base of stigma; raphe one-third to onc-fourth the width of the seed- body. -.--------------.--.------------...--. 13. J. AFFINIS cc. Seeds grown fast to the endocarp, almost completely covered by it; petals 10-20 mm. long. d. Petals white; leaf-blades almost round; floating plants with conspicuous spongy pneumatophores from the nodes ...-... 14. J. NATANS dd. Petals yellow; leaf-blades usually definitely longer than broad; floating or erect, not usually showing nodal tufts of spindle- shaped pneumatophores. e. Flowering stems usually erect, with lance-linear to narrowly oblong leaves; bracteoles larnceolate; capsules 3-4 mm. thick. 15. J. URUGUAYENSIS ee. Flowering stems usually floating or creeping, with oblong leaves; bracteoles deltoid; capsules mostly 2-3 mm. thick.... 16. J. REPENS
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