(Last Modified On 7/29/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/29/2013)
Justicia L.
Sp. PI. 15. 1753
TYPE: J. adhatoda L.
Dianthera L., Sp. PI. 27. 1753; Gen. PI., ed. 5. 15. 1754. TYPE: D. americana L. Adhatoda Medic., Act., Acad. Theod. Palat. 6. Phys. 393. 1790; TYPE: Justicia adhatoda L., fide Leonard. Leptostachya Nees in Wallich, PI. As. Rar. 3: 76, 105. 1832. SYNTYPES: L. virgata Nees and L. wallichii Nees. Belaperone Nees in Wallich, PI. As. Rar. 3: 76, 102. 1832. TYPE: B. amherstiae Nees. Rhytiglossa Nees in Lindl., Introd. Nat. Syst. ed. 2. 444. 1836. SYNTYPES: R. origanoides Nees, R. eckloniana Nees, and R. cilata Nees. Jacobinia Nees ex Moric., PI. Nouv. Am. 156, tab. 92. 1846. TYPE: J. lepida Nees ex Moric. type cons.
Herbs or shrubs. Leaves petiolate, usually ovate to elliptic and entire. Inflo- rescences usually of spikes or panicles, occasionally in cymes or solitary; bracts various, small and distant, linear or subulate to large, conspicuous and imbricate. Flowers with the calyx segments usually narrow and equal, some unequal, mostly 5(4)-merous; corollas bilabiate, the corollas usually white, pink or purple, the tube usually narrow, funnelform, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2, usually slightly exserted but not exceeding the corolla lip, the anther cells 2, usually unequal, often superposed, with one or both cells apiculate or calcarate, the connective narrow to broad. Capsules clavate, 4-seeded. This genus may be recognized by its 2 slightly exserted stamens with anthers having 2 cells which are frequently unequal, superposed and apiculate or cal- carate basally. This plus the bilabiate, narrow-tubed corollas and the lack of staminodes are useful features.
Herbs or shrubs
This is a large, cosmopolitan genus of approximately 420 species found in both the tropical and temperate climates of the New and Old World.
a. Inflorescences in panicles or thyrses (cymose panicles). b. Leaves large, to 40 cm long; inflorescence a dense thyrse ...... 3. J. aurea bb. Leaves under 30 cm long; inflorescences paniculate or loose thyrses. c. Rachis of inflorescence pilose, or hairs retrorsely curved; corollas curved outward ...... 15. J. sectunda cc. Rachis of inflorescence glabrous or inconspicuously puberulous or glan- dular puberulous; corollas mostly straight. d. Calyx segments 4; leaves metallic blue beneath ...... 10. J. metallica dd. Calyx segments 5; leaves colored otherwise. e. Plant a long vine; calyx segments over 1.5 cm long ...... 8. J. gmaciliflora ee. Plants an erect herb or shrub; calyx segments under 1.5 cm long. f. Leaves crenate; bracts to 7 mm long ...... 7. J. crenata ff. Leaves entire, undulate or crenulate; bracts to 3 mm long. g. Leaves apically and basally obtuse or rounded; stems rooting at the lower nodes ...... 5. J. chamaephyton gg. Leaves apically acuminate, basally variable but mostly acute or attenuate; stems not rooting at the nodes. h. Corollas under 2 cm long; leaves mostly lanceolate (excepting J. pectoralis var. macrophyllus). i. Corollas 7-12 mm long; inflorescence all terminal. j. Leaves lanceolate; branches of inflorescences with glandular hairs ...... 13a. J. pectoralis var. pectoralis jj. Leaves oblanceolate or elliptic; branches of inflorescence without glandular hairs ...... 13b. J. pectoralis var. macrophyllus ii. Corollas under 7 mm long; inflorescences both terminal and axillary ...... 6. J. comata hh. Corollas over 2 cm long; leaves elliptic or ovate.k. Calyx segments unequal; branches of inflorescence glandular-puberulous ...... 11. J. oerstedii kk. Calyx segments equal; branches of inflorescence glabrous ...... 16. J. tinctoria aa. Inflorescences in spikes or cymes. 1. Inflorescences in axillary cymes; bracts 3 mm long or less. m. Leaves of a pair unequal; corolla violet or pale purple ...... 17. J. trichotoma mm. Leaves of a pair equal; corolla orange red to yellowish ...... 9. J. macrantha 11. Inflorescences in spikes borne singly or in clusters; bracts 6-18 mm long. n. Bracts over 13 mm long. o. Corolla over 25 mm long; leaf bases obtuse to rounded ...... 4. J. carthaginensis oo. Corolla under 25 mm long; leaf bases attenuate. ...... 1. J. adhatoda nn. Bracts under 13 mm long. p. Leaves to 6.5 mm long, basally obtuse to rounded; anther cells strongly superposed by a connective 3.5 mm wide ...... 12. J. panamense pp. Leaves over 12 cm long, basally attenuate or acute; anther cells closer together, the connective not over 1 mm wide. q. Corolla under 1.5 cm long; bracts ciliate ...... 14 .J. refractifolia qq. Corolla over 3 cm long; bracts not ciliate. r. Corollas white; calyx puberulous ...... 18. J. urophylla rr. Corolla bright pink; calyx glandular puberulous ...... 2. J. allenji
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