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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/24/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/24/2013)
Contributor Muriel E. Poston
PlaceOfPublication Cat. Hort. Bot. Monspel. 85. 1813. nom. conserv.
Note TYPE: Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.
Synonym Cajan Adans. Fam. P1. 2: 326. 1736. Based on Cytisus cajan L. = Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.
Description Shrub or subshrub. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets oblanceolate, puberulent; stip- ules lanceolate, caducous. Inflorescence an axillary or terminal panicle or ra- ceme, flowers 6-12 per rachis; bracts small, caducous. Flowers with calyx cam- panulate, 5-lobed, the upper lobe longer; corolla yellow with brown to maroon striation, the standard ovate, auriculate, the wing oblong, the keel falcate; sta- mens diadelphous, the vexillary stamen free, the anthers monomorphic; ovary sessile with 4-6 ovules, the style slender, glabrous, the stigma capitate. Fruit oblong, 2-valved with oblique constrictions between the seeds, yellowish green with brown mottling, puberulent; seeds 4-5, obovoid, hilum oblong, estrophio- late.
Habit Shrub or subshrub
Distribution Cajanus is an Old World genus of 1 or 2 species widely spread through Africa and Asia and has been introduced into the New World in cultivation.
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