Schematic Key to Species of Calycophyllum
1. Stipules and bracts calyptrate (fused into a conical cap), caducous as leaves and flowers start to expand.
2. Plants of seasonal forest in Central America and Caribbean northern Colombia and Venezuela, and sometimes cultivated.....Calycophyllum candidissimum
2'. Plants of wet to seasonal forest in Amazonian and south-central South America.
3. Plants of seasonal forest, eastern Bolivia to Paraguay and nothern Argentina......Calycophyllum multiflorum
3'. Plants of wet forest in the Amazon basin.........Calycophyllum spruceanum
1'. Stipules and bracts flat, free or partially fused at base, triangular, persistent at least shortly after leaves or flowers develop.
4. Leaf blades 7.5-10.5 cm long; stipules 1--2 mm long; calycophylls present, with blades 3-3.5 mm long; plants of Atlantic forest in eastern Brazil (Espírito Santo)....Calycophyllum papillosum
4'. Leaf blades ca.14-30 cm long; stipules 5-25 mm long; calycophylls absent or present and with blades ca. 25-70 cm long; plants of Amazon basin and northeastern South America. (Semaphyllanthe sensu Andersson)
5. Trees to 45 m tall found in the western Amazon basin; calycophylls not present......Calycophyllum megistocaulum
5'. Trees to 15-20 m tall found in northeastern South America; calycophylls present or not.
6. Leaf blades pubescent on lower surface.....Calycophyllum intonsum
6'. Leaf blades not pubescent on lower surface.
7. Leaf blades acute to acuminate at apex.
8. Capsules 21-28 mm long; plants of Guyana......Calycophyllum merumense
8'. Capsules 15-20 mm long; plants of eastern Venezuela......Calycophyllum venezuelense
7'. Leaf blades obtuse to rounded at apex.
9. Bracts subtending axes of inflorescence reduced, to 1 mm long; plants of southern Colombia, Venezuela, and Guyana to central Amazonian Brazil.....Calycophyllum obovatum
9. Bracts subtending axes of inflorescence developed, 5-12 mm long; plants of Guyana....Calycophyllum spectabile