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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 284. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text: Muhammad Tahir M. Rajput and Syeda Saleha Tahir
Contributor Institution: Institute of Botany, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
General/Distribution: A genus of 10 species occurring in Asia, North America and Europe, represented in Pakistan by five species.
Comment/Acknowledgements: Excluded Species

Sibbaldia unguiculata Rajput and Tahir in Pak. J. Bot. 40(6): 255. 2008.

According to the la bel on the Holotype of Sibbaldia unguiculata Rajput & Tahir collected from 'Pakistan,Lahul District, Chenab Valley, 13000 ft. 2.8.1980, Erica Clark s. n. (BM 013168)’. However, as discussed by the authors Lahul (Lahaul) is in India and not in Pakistan. Hence it is not included in the present manuscript.


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Mostly tomentose or glabrescent perennial small erect or cushion-l ike herb, root stock prostrate, woody. Branches at the base clothed with persistent remains of leaf bases. Stipule adnate membranous, auricles membraneous rarely obsolete. Leaves alternate, mostly stipulate, digitately 3 or 5 foliolate or sometimes imparipinnate compound, rarely simple, mostly petiolate. Leaflets sessile or petiolulate, articulated or non-articulated at the base, mostly tomentose on both surfaces or rarely glabrescent, margin entirely dentate or apically toothed, mostly glandular. Inflorescence determinate, flowers sparsely arranged on short branches or in loose umbell-l ike cyme rarely in congested compound dichasia, mostly 5- merous, rarely 4-merous, perfect, rarely staminate, bracts leaf-l ike, bracteole mostly single or 2 together or absent. Epicalyx and calyx consist of (4-) 5 (-6-10) sepals, epicalyx lobes connate at the base, tomentose outside, mostly glabrous inside. Corolla apopetalous, deciduous, petals 5 rarely 4 or 6, often creamwhite or yellow rarely purple or pinkish, glabrous or very sparsely tomentose on margins. Stamens mostly 5, rarely 4 or 10, antisepalous, inserted at the edge of the disc. Carpels 4 to 24, inserted mostly on hairy or sometimes glabrous receptacle. Ovary glabrous, rarely hairy at the base, mostly ovoid or globose, style mostly lateral, rarely sub-terminal, stigma minute, glabrous, capitate. Achene glabrous, sometimes hairy at base, mostly smooth, rarely with minute ribs or folds.

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1.Stamens 10, leaflets lobed, mostly glabrescent.
Sibbaldia perpusilloides
1.Stamens 4-5, leaflets dentate apically or entirely, mostly tomentose.
2.Leaflets snow-white on lower surface: Achene ribbed or with folds.
Sibbaldia micropetala
2.Leaflets not snow-white on lower surface. Achene smooth, not ribbed or without wrinkles or folds.
3.Plant forming dense moss-l ike cushions mostly prostrate to slightly ascendant.
Sibbaldia tetrandra
3.Plant spreading, not forming dense moss-l ike cushions, mostly, erect or ascendant- erect.
4.Leaves 5-foliolate: leaflets articulated at the base: Inflorescence ± axillary cyme, comprised of 1-5 flowers, petals mostly purple.
Sibbaldia purpurea
4.Leaves 3- foliolate: leaflets not articulate at the base. Inflorescence ± umbel-l ike cyme, comprised of 5-11 flowers. Petals mostly cream white.
Sibbaldia procumbens
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