(Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
Sp. P1. 380. 1753.
Poinciana L. loc. cit. 380. 1753. Guilandina L. loc. cit. 381. 1753. Bonduc Adans. Fam. 2:318. 1763. Hoffmanseggia Cav. Ic. 4:63, t. 392. 1797. Libidibia Schlecht. in Linnaea 5:192. 1830. Poincianella Britt. & Rose, in N. Am. Fl. 23:327. 1930. Adenocalyx Bert.; Balsamocarpon Clos; Biancaea Todaro; Brasilettia (DC.) Kuntze; Campecia Adans.; Cinclidocarpus Zoll.; Cladotrichum Vog.; Conzattia Rose; Coulteria HBK.; Erytbrostemon Link; Guaymasia Britt. & Rose; Guilandia P. Br.; Larrea Ortega; Lebidibia Griseb.; Melano- sticta DC.; Motaria Britt. & Rose; Nicarago Britt. & Rose; Pomaria Cav.; Pseudosantalum Mill.; Russellodendron Britt. & Rose; Scbrammia Britt. & Rose; Tara Molino; Ticanto Adans.
Granting that several of the synonyms can be segregated fairly distinctly, there nevertheless seems little advantage in so doing. Certainly such segregations intergrade sufficiently to warrant inclusion in one genus, while if considered as separate genera they cause in the herbarium considerable confusion and obscuring of the species, to say nothing of difficulties involved then in the almost impossible task of organizing a usable generic key. Thus, for purposes of the 'Flora of Panama,' Caesalpinia is regarded in its broader sense, essentially following Bentham.
Trees, shrubs or sometimes vine-like or subherbaceous, armed or unarmed. Leaves twice-pinnate; petioles and rachis eglandular, glabrous or variously pubes- cent; pinnae usually several and opposite or subopposite on the rachis; ultimate leaflets few to many, opposite in pairs, or less frequently alternate, in the pinna. Inflorescence mostly racemose, variously pubescent; bracts normally caducous. Flowers yellowish or less commonly pinkish; calyx with a conspicuous tube and 5 imbricate lobes, the outermost lobe more or less cucullate and enclosing the bud; petals free, nearly equal, inserted upon the upper calyx-tube; stamens normally 10, free, inserted with the petals on the calyx-tube, usually subdeclinate; filaments mostly pubescent, often glandular; anthers small, bilocular, longitudinally de- hiscent, versatile; ovary free, sessile or short-stipitate, inserted at base of calyx- tube; stigma terminal, usually not dilated. Legume compressed or flattened, usually unarmed and dehiscent; seeds transverse.
Tree shrub
Widely distributed, in tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres.
a. Shrubs or trees, lightly armed or unarmed; bracts of inflorescence in- conspicuous or missing; legume unarmed, flattened or coiled. b. Inflorescence glabrous, large and showy; pedicels elongate, frequently 7-8 cm. long; stamens long-exserted, about 5 cm. long; plant often inconspicuously armed ......................................................... 1. C. PULCHERRIMA bb. Inflorescence puberulent to tomentose, smaller; pedicels less than 2 cm. long; stamens short, less than 1.5 cm. long; plant unarmed. c. Racemes elongate, mostly 10 or more cm. long, with a ferruginous- stellate tomentum; flowers larger, 2-3 cm. wide; legume flat. (valves may coil after dehiscence) ...................................................... 2. C. ERIOSTACHYS cc. Racemes condensed, mostly less than 4 cm. long, lightly pubescent or puberulent; flowers small, less than 8 mm. wide; legume coiled.. 3. C. CORIARIA aa. Vine-like shrub of sea beaches, the stem and rachis heavily armed with recurved thorns; bracts of inflorescence about 1 cm. long, persistent at least until anthesis; legume armed, compressed, but not flat .... ... 4. C. CRISTA
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