Cardamine oligosperma Nuttall in Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 85. 1838; C. hirsuta Linnaeus subsp. oligosperma (Nuttall) O. E. Schulz, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32: 468. 1903. TYPE: United States, “shady woody of the Oregon,” Thomas Nuttall s.n. (holotype, K!; isotypes, GH!, NY!, PH!).
Cardamine hirsuta var. acuminata Nuttall in Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 85. 1838; C. acuminata (Nuttall) Rydberg, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 237. 1902. TYPE: United States, Oregon, wet places, Thomas Nuttall s.n. (lectotype here designated, BM).
Cardamine hirsuta var. bracteata O. E. Schulz, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32: 470. 1903; C. oligosperma var. bracteata (O. E. Schulz) G. S. Torrey, Rhodora 17: 157. 1915; C. bracteata (O. E. Schulz) Suksdorf, Rhodora 20: 198. 1918. TYPE: United States, Washington, Klickitat Co., low wet places, 8 Apr 1885, W. N. Suksdorf 723 (holotype, B; isotypes, MO!, NY, ORE, US
Cardamine hirsuta var. parviflora Nuttall in Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 85. 1838. TYPE: United States, Oregon, wet places, Thomas Nuttall s.n. (holotype, BM).
Cardamine oligosperma var. lucens G. S. Torrey, Rhodora 17: 157. 1915; C. lucens (G. S. Torrey) Suksdorf, Rhodora 20: 198. 1918. TYPE: United States, Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, 10–12 Apr 1912, W. N. Suksdorf 7452 (holotype, GH!; isotypes, CAS!, MO!, NY!, ORE, OSC, RM, UTC).
Cardamine unijuga Rydberg, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 246. 1897; C. hirsuta prol. unijuga (Rydberg) O. E. Schulz, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32: 469. 1903; C. oligosperma var. unijuga (Rydberg) G. S. Torrey, Rhodora 17: 158. 1915. TYPE: United States, Montana, Gallatin Co., Spanish Basin, Madison Range, 6000 ft, 18 Jul 1896, J. H. Foldman 494 (holotype, NY; isotype, US!).
Herbs, annual or biennial, sparsely hirsute at least proximally. Rhizomes absent; stolons absent. Stems (0.5–)0.8–3.2(–4.1) dm, erect to ascending, 1 or few from base, simple or branched above, not flexuous, pubescent throughout or only proximally, very rarely glabrous. Basal leaves rosulate, persistent by anthesis, pinnately compound, 5–9(–13)-foliolate, 2–8.5(–11) cm, hirsute or sometimes glabrous; petiole 1–6 cm; terminal leaflet orbicular to ovate or rarely oblong, 0.4–1.5(–2.3) × 0.3–1(–1.3) cm, margin entire or crenate-dentate to obscurely 3–5-lobed, base cordate to rounded, petioule 1–7 mm; lateral leaflets smaller than terminal, obovate to oblanceolate, entire or crentate, petiolulate or subsessile; cauline leaves 3–8, pinnately compound, similar to basal leaves, gradually reduced in size and number of leaflets upwards; petiole 0.5–2 cm, base not auriculate. Racemes ebracteate; fruiting pedicels divaricate-ascending, (2–)3–9(–12) mm. Sepals oblong, 1.3–1.8(–2) × 0.5–1 mm, base of lateral pair not saccate; petals white, narrowly spatulate to oblanceolate, 2.5–3.5 × 0.9–1.5 mm, not clawed; stamens 6, median filaments 1.7–2.5 mm, lateral filaments 1.2–2 mm; anthers ovate, 0.3–0.5 mm. Fruit linear, (1.3–)1.6–2.8 cm × 1–1.7 mm; valves glabrous or sparsely pubescent, torulose; style 0.4–1(–1.5) mm; ovules and seeds 16–36(–42) per fruit. Seeds brown, oblong, 1–1.6 × 0.8–1.2 mm, wingless. 2n = 16.
Flowering: Mar–Jul.
Habitat: streambanks, shady banks, creek bottoms, lake shores, meadows, moist areas, wooded slopes.
Elevation: 50–3300 m.
Distribution: Canada (British Columbia), Mexico (Baja California), United States (California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, W Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming).