(Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
Dicotyledonous annual, biennial, or perennial herbs (rarely woody), usually having a milky, yellow, or orange, acrid juice; leaves alternate, exstipulate, usually lobate or dissected; inflorescence ranging from solitary flowers to large, many- flowered compound panicles or cymes; flowers mostly polypetalous (apetalous in Bocconia), perfect, regular, hypogynous, frequently very large and showy; sepals 2 or 3, subvalvate or imbricate; petals 4-12, rarely absent, spreading, imbricate, frequently early caducous; stamens several to many, free; filaments filiform; anthers erect, bilocular, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary free, 2- to several- carpellate, usually 1-loculate (sometimes 2-loculate or imperfectly few- to several- loculate), 1- to many-ovulate; style short or obsolete; stigmas as many as the carpels, distinct or more or less adnate to the top of the ovary; fruit capsular, dehiscing by pores or valves, frequently containing an acrid or narcotic juice.
A relatively small family, chiefly of the northern temperate zones of both hemispheres, poorly and somewhat atypically represented in Panama and the tropics generally. The family contains many species of ornamental value, and also the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) of considerable commercial and human significance. Only two genera are indigenous to Panama, only one of which (Bocconi4) is at all common. In addition, possibly a few species of ornamental poppy (Papaver) and the California poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) may occur under culti- vation in the country. Both of these genera resemble Argemone but lack its prickly leaves. Eschscholtzia can be distinguished from Papaver by the linear capsule.
a. Unarmed trees or shrubs; flowers apetalous, the stigmas prominent; capsule 1-seeded ................................1. BoccoNIA aa. More or less spiny herbs, rarely shrubs; flowers with conspicuous petals, the stigmas sessile; capsule many-seeded .................... 2. ARGEMONE
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