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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)
Contributor LORIN I. NEVLING, JR.
Description Annual or perennial herbaceous or suffruticose plants, prostrate or upright, often succulent. Leaves usually simple, alternate, opposite or pseudoverticellate, often fleshy, sometimes reduced to scales, entire; stipules scarious or absent. In- florescences axillary or terminal, modified cymes or the flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual, polygamodioecious or unisexual, actinomorphic, often small. Perianth monochlamydeous, usually 4- or 5-parted, free or connate, sometimes appendaged on the outer surface, often persistent in fruit. Stamens (3), 4, 5 or many, the outermost often sterile and petaloid (but not in our species), the filaments free or variously connate at the base into fascicles or into a monadelphous sheath, free or adnate to the perianth, the anthers oblong or linear, small, dehiscing longi- tudinally. Pistil 1, the ovary superior to inferior, 1-5 (-20) loculate, the placenta- tion axile, parietal or basal, the ovules solitary to many per locule, anatropous or campylotropous, the styles as many as the locules. Fruit a loculicidal or circum- scissile capsule or indehiscent and either baccate or nut-like; seed with mealy endosperm, sometimes strophiolate, the embryo curved.
Habit herb
Distribution A large weedy family particularly well-developed in South Africa.
Note Three genera are represented in Panama, each by a single species. A fourth genus, Glinus, with a single species [G. radiatus (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohrb.] has been reported from Panama. I have been unable to locate a voucher for this record but have included the genus in the key to genera. This study is based primarily on the work of F. Pax and K. Hoffman (in Natur- Pflanzenf. 16c:179-233. 1934) and P. Wilson (in North Amer. Fl. 21:267-277. 1932).
Key a. Leaves basal or pseudoverticellate, not fleshy; tepals distinct to the base or nearly so, with or without appendages on the outer surface beneath the apex; fruit a loculicidal capsule, 3- to 5-loculate; seeds strophiolate or estrophiolate. b. Plants glabrous; leaves generally linear; flowers pedicellate; tepals distinct to the base, without appendages; seeds estrophiolate. - 1. MOLLUGo bb. Plants tomentulose; leaves obovate, oblanceolate or rounded- spatulate; flowers sessile or short-pedicellate; tepals distinct to the base or nearly so, with appendages; seeds strophiolate ..................... GLINUS aa. Leaves opposite, fleshy; tepals connate, with appendages on the outer surface beneath the apex; fruit a circumscissile capsule, 1- to 5- loculate; seeds estrophiolate. c. Leaves obovate to rounded-spatulate, strikingly unequal; ovary 1- or 2-loculate; styles 1 or 2; seeds few ............................... ............. 2. TRIANTHEMA cc. Leaves linear, elliptic or narrowly obovate, more or less equal; ovary 3- to 5-loculate; styles 3 to 5; seeds numerous ..................... 3. SESUVIUM
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