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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/28/2013)
Contributor LORIN I. NEVLING, Jr.
Description Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs, more- or less succulent, often glabrous. Leaves alternate, opposite or in basal rosettes, simple, terete, subterete or plane, often fleshy, pinnately veined; stipules scarious, fimbriate, tufted or rarely absent. In- florescence terminal or axillary, paniculiform, racemose, cymose or the flowers solitary. Flowers bisexual, often insignificant. Sepals (involucral bracts) 2 or rarely 4-8, connate at the base or free, persistent or caducous, scarious or herba- ceous, imbricate. Petals (tepals) 4-5 or rarely fewer or more, connate at the base or free, deciduous or rarely calyptrate, imbricate. Stamens often as many as the petals and opposite them, sometimes fewer or more, free or basally adnate to the corolla, the filaments filiform, the anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally, introrse. Pistil 1; ovary superior to inferior, becoming uniloculate, the placentation central, basal, the ovules (1-) 2-many, campylotropous; styles and stigmas 1-9, united below or free. Fruit capsular, circumscissily or loculicidally dehiscent, rarely indehiscent and nut-like; seeds 1-many, generally reniform-round, com- pressed, the embryo curved, endosperm mealy.
Habit Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs
Distribution A family of weedy plants composed of 15-25 genera. Only 2 genera are represented in Panama.
Key a. Leaves estipulate; ovary superior; styles 3; capsule loculicidal, 3-valved, splitting from the apex towards the base .----------1. TALINUM aa. Leaves stipulate or estipulate, the stipules scarious, fimbriate or tufted; ovary half to wholly inferior; styles 1-9; capsule circum- scissile .---------------------------------2. PORTULACA
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