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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/19/2013)
Contributor W. G. D'ARCY
Description Trees or shrubs, sometimes clambering; phloem with copious mucilage. Leaves opposite or verticillate, simple, entire, serrate or lobed, sometimes on the same plant, often coriaceous, often with a characteristic satiny sheen; stipules entire or lobed. Inflorescences of small clusters of axillary dichasia or of terminal spikes or racemes; bracts and sometimes bracteoles mostly present. Flowers small, unisexual or perfect; calyx of 4-5 valvate free sepals; petals 4-8; stamens free or basally united, the filaments short, slender, the stamens sometimes with a broad connective; carpels 2-13, each locule with 2 axile, anatropous ovules, the styles free. Fruit baccate, globose, often 1 locular; putamen hard, sometimes dehiscent; seeds mostly several-numerous, felty tomentose; embryo straight with a short hypocotyl and thick cotyledons.
Habit Trees or shrubs
Note The Quiinaceae includes about 4 genera with about 50 species
Distribution South America except for 2 or 3 species in Central America and the Antilles.
Note This family is similar in some respects to the Guttiferae but differs in its wood anatomy, in having a different kind of mucilaginous or resin duct, and in its hairy seeds. It is often allied with the Theaceae or Cunoniaceae.
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