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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/17/2013)
Contributor LORIN I. NEVLING, JR.
Description Shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, distichous, simple, pinnately veined, peti- olate; stipules caducous. Inflorescences generally fasciculate, axillary, spicate, racemiform or paniculiform; bracteate. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, when unisexual the plants polygamo-andromonoecious, small, 2-bracteolate; naked or monochlamydeous with 6 or fewer perianth segments connate at the base or free, equal or unequal; annular hypogynous disc present; stamen 1, inflexed, longi- tudinally dehiscent; ovary superior, 3-carpellate, 1-locular, the placentation parietal, the ovules 3-6, anatropous, pendulous, the stigma trifid; fruit a capsule dehiscing by 3 valves; seeds 1-3, testa sometimes fleshy.
Habit Shrubs trees
Note Two genera, both represented in Panama.
Key a. Inflorescences many-fascicled, spiciform or racemiform; plants bisexual; bracteoles free; pedicel at most I/4 as long as the flower; perianth lobes present or absent, free, often erose, often unequal; anther connective bifurcate distally- , ..,.. ,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,. ,1. LACISTEMA aa. Inflorescences solitary to few-fascicled, racemiform or paniculiform; plants bisexual (in Panama) or polygamo-andromonoecious; bracteoles connate; pedicel at least as long as the flower; perianth lobes present, connate at the base, not erose, equal; anther connective not bifurcate distally....................... ....... 2. LOZANIA
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