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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/15/2013)
Description Shrubs or small trees with stellate pubescence or rarely glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate, the margin entire or toothed. Inflorescences racemose or panicu- late, terminal, bracts deciduous. Flowers I, actinomorphic, white or pinkish, fragrant, usually nodding; sepals 5, united at extreme base, imbricate, persistant around fruit; petals 5, distinct, imbricate, deciduous, larger than sepals, emarginate at apex; stamens 10 rarely 12, distinct, in two whorls, the filaments slender, subulate or flattened, the anthers sagittate, extrorsely inflexed in bud, becoming inverted and introrse at anthesis, opening by apical pores; pollen grains not in tetrads, 3-colporate; disc obsolete; ovary superior, globose to transversely-elliptic, pubescent, 3-lobed, 3-locular, the ovules numerous, borne on axile placental intru- sions, anatropus, the style 1, erect, persistant on fruit, the stigma 3-lobed. Fruit capsular, subglobose, pubescent, 3-lobed, loculicidally 3-valvate, the valves 2-cleft; seeds numerous, compressed or trigonous, sometimes winged, the seed coat thin, the endosperm fleshy, the embryo cylindrical, short.
Habit Shrubs trees
Note The family contains only the genus Clethra. Schizocardia was described and placed in this family by Smith & Standley (Trop. Woods 32: 8, 1932) but Thomas (Jour. Arnold Arb. 42: 110- 111, 1961) placed it in synonomy with Purdiaea of the Cyrillaceae.
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