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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
Contributor WALTER H. LEWIS
Description Trees, shrubs, or infrequently woody vines. Leaves simple, alternate, the blade pinnately veined, entire, the stipules usually deciduous. Inflorescences corymbose- cymose or subcapitate, usually axillary, the peduncle often coalescent with the petiole; bracts small and linear, deciduous. Flowers fasciculate, small, hermaphroditic or in- frequently male & female, actinomorphic or somewhat zygomorphic, the pedicel short; sepals 5, distinct or partially connate, sometimes unequal, imbricate; petals 5, separate and equal or connate and unequal, clawed, often narrow, bifid or bibbed; stamens 5, all or only 3 fertile, alternating with disk glands, distinct or adnate to the corolla tube; disk glands separate or united into a disk, opposite the petals; ovary superior, 2-3-locular, the ovules paired at the top of the loculi, pendulous, anatropous; styles 2-3, distinct or connate nearly to the apex, often recurved, the stigma capitate or simple. Fruit a drupe, sometimes hispid, dry or rarely fleshy, exocarp thin, endocarp hard; seeds 1-2, pendulous, without endosperm; embryo large, straight.
Habit Trees shrubs
Habit vines
Distribution A tropical, rarely extratropical, family of four genera of which only the large and widely distributed genus Dichapetalum is found in Panama.
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