Boupoya - 2310 - Gabon
Bourobou - 719 - Gabon
Carroll - 2018 - Central African Republic
Cavalcanti - 324 - Brazil
Chapman - 4184 - Nigeria
Chapman - 4247 - Nigeria
Chapman - 4252 - Nigeria
Díaz Santibáñez - 235 - Peru
Ewango - 209 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ghesquière - 3607 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Hallé - 4252 - Gabon
Jaeger - 1700 - Sierra Leone
Leeuwenberg - 5106 - Cameroon
Manning - 1310 - Cameroon
Pawek - 12921 - Zambia
Rojas Gonzáles - 4187 - Peru
Schoenmaker - 6 - Gabon
Thomas - 4455 - Cameroon
Tiwari - 862 - Guyana
Wilks - W 303 - Gabon
Wu - WH-3868 - Cambodia
Wu - WH-4270 - Cambodia
Zenker - 4715 - Cameroon
Zenker - 4828 - Cameroon