(Last Modified On 9/19/2013)
(Last Modified On 9/19/2013)
Trees, shrubs or herbs. Leaves alternate, subopposite or apparently basal, 1- multipinnate; stipules absent or connate to the petiole. Inflorescences axillary or cauliflorous, bifid or umbelliform cymes, rarely solitary flowers, or panicles of cymes. Flowers actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, sometimes cleistogamous; calyx 5-partite, imbricate; petals 5, hypogynous, free or connate near the middle, con- torted, the upper part enlarged, white, yellowish to orange, or pink to violaceous, the base clawed; stamens 10 (5 + 5), hypogynous, connate or almost free, some- times only 5 bearing anthers, the anthers ovoid, 2-locular, opening lengthwise; ovary superior, 5-carpellate, generally 5-lobed, 5-locular, the carpels with 2-15 ovules, the ovules axile, pendulous, the styles 5, free, persistent, the stigma shortly bifid or 2-capitate. Fruit a 5-lobed capsule or berry, 5-locular, the calyx and styles persistent, the dehiscence loculicidal; seeds often projected by an elastic tegument, the endosperm fleshy, the embryo straight.
Trees, shrubs or herbs
The Oxalidaceae is a family of 6 genera and about 950 species
distributed worldwide from tropical to cold regions.
Dapania and Sarcotheca occur in the Old World, Oxalis is cosmopolitan, Averrhoa is mostly cultivated in tropical regions, Biophytum occurs in tropical regions and Hypseocharis is endemic to the tropical Andes. Only three genera are represented in the flora of Panama, one of which is cultivated.
a. Trees; leaves imparipinnate; fruit an indehiscent fleshy berry ...... 1. Averrhoa aa. Small subshrubs or herbs; fruit a dehiscent capsule. b. Leaves multifoliolate, the last foliole reduced to a mucro or bristle; capsules loculi- cidal in a radiate form, the carpels after dehiscence attached to the axis only at the base ...... 2. Biophytum bb. Leaves 3-foliolate; capsules loculicidal by longitudinal slits, the carpels after dehis- cence attached along their full length to the central axis ...... 3. Oxalis
Lourteig, A. 1975. Oxalidaceae extra-austroamericanae. I. Oxalis L. Sectio Thamnoxys Planchon. Phytologia 29: 449-471. Lourteig, A. 1979. Oxalidaceae extra-austroamericanae. II. Oxalis L. Sectio Corni- culatae DC. Phytologia 42: 57-198.
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