Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, lianas, twiners and creepers. Leaves alternate, entire, lobed, dissected or rarely palmately compound, exstipulate. Flowers in terminal or axillary simple or compound cymose inflorescences, bisexual, mostly actinomorphic. Sepals 5, free or rarely slightly connate basally. Corolla of 5 sympetalous lobes, infundibuliform, campanulate to salver-form. Stamens 5, epipetalous, free, included or exserted, the anthers 2-locular, mostly extrorse. Carpels 2, rarely 3 , ovary superior, usually upon an entire or lobed disc,l-2- or rarely 3-locular, ovules 2 per locule, style usually 1, occasionally bilobed or divided into 2, filiform, the stigmas usually 2, globose, ellipsoid or filiform. Fruits usually dry capsules or berries or dry baccate or indehiscent and chartaceous.