(Pickerel Weed Family)
(Alexander, 1937; Rosatti, 1987)
annual or perennial. Stems glabrous, short to elongate. Rhizomes sometimes
present. Leaves alternate or nearly whorled, glabrous, the petioles usually
sheathing the stems, sometimes inflated or absent. Stipules papery to filmy or
absent. Inflorescences various, sometimes reduced to a single flower, partially
surrounded by a sheathing bract (spathe). Flowers perfect, zygomorphic or less
commonly actinomorphic. Perianth of 6 petal‑like tepals, these usually
fused basally. Stamens 3 or 6, sometimes dimorphic, the filaments fused to the
perianth tube. Staminodes sometimes present. Ovary 1 per flower, superior, with
3 locules (2 locules sometimes reduced and sterile). Style 1 per flower, the
stigma entire to 3‑lobed. Fruits capsules or utricles. About 8 genera, 30
species, nearly worldwide, mostly in tropical and subtropical regions.
Submerged to emergent aquatics, sometimes floating.