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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/13/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Voy. Herald 249. 1854.
Synonym SAURAUIA montana Seem., loc. cit. 87, t. 16. 1853. SAURAUIA costaricensis J. D. Sm., Bot. Gaz. 23: 236. 1897. SAURAUIA ovalifolia J. D. Sm., loc. cit. 42: 292. 1906. SAURAUIA costaricensis var. brachitricha Buscalioni, Malpighia 27: 12. 1914-1915. SAURAUIA costaricensis var. dolicotricha Buscalioni, loc. cit. 15. SAURAUIA pseudocostaricensis Buscalioni, loc. cit. 25. SAURAUIA pseudoveraguensis Buscalioni, loc. cit. 30. SAURAUIA Engleriana Buscalioni, loc. cit. 131. 1915-1916. SAURAUIA setosa Standley, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 18: 693. 1937.
Description Shrub or tree to 15 m, copiously pubescent. Leaves with the blade narrowly elliptic to obovate, the apex acute to acuminate, the base obtuse to acute, frequently oblique, the margins-setaceous-serrulate to serrate, 11-40 cm long, 3-18 cm wide, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, the secondary veins in 14-26 pairs, the tertiary veins elevated, more prominent than the lesser reticulation, sparingly to abundantly strigillose, sericeous, setulose or hirtellous between the veins above, usually stellate or dendroid between the veins beneath, the axils of the secondary veins frequently villous-barbate beneath; petioles 1-9 cm long, 2-4 mm in diam. Inflorescence 7- to 95-flowered, 7-30 cm long, 3-18 cm wide, the primary peduncle 4-10 cm long, the bracts foliaceous or linear to triangular, 1-50 mm long. Flowers 13-27 mm broad, the buds to 5-8 mm in diam, the pedicels 3-10 mm long; sepals 5, 4-7 mm long, 3-7 mm wide, the inner 2 medially densely heterotrichous, laterally appressed- stellate, submarginally glabrous, ciliate, the imbricate sepal densely heterotrichous on the exterior half, appressed-stellate, submarginally glabrous, ciliate on the interior half, the outer 2 densely heterotrichous, all submarginally appressed-stellate, glabrous elsewhere within; petals 5, white to pinkish, oblong to obovate, 7-11 mm long, 4-9 mm wide, obtuse to retuse; stamens 23-48, the anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long, the filaments 1.5-3.0 mm long; ovary 5-locular, globose, densely pubescent with filiform trichomes, the styles obsolete or up to 4 mm long, the stigmas simple to subcapitate. Berries 6-10 mm in diam, globose, densely pubescent with filiform trichomes.
Habit Shrub tree
Distribution Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama.
Specimen CHIRIQUi: Bajo Chorro, Davidson 190 (A, F, MO); Bajo Mona & Quebrada Chiquero, Woodson & Schery 521 (GH, MO, US); trail from Bambito to Cerro Punta, Allen 314 (A, F, GH, MO, US); vic of Boquete, Allen 4650 (MO), Bro. Maurice 698 (GH, US), Maxoon 4932 (US), Pittier 2874 (F, US), 2942 (F, US); Volcan Chiriqui, Davidson 979 (A, F, MO, US), Seeman 1235 (K); Cerro Horqueta, C. & W. von Hagen 2052 (MO); vic of Monte Lirio, valley of the upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, Seibert 303 (F, MO); Rio Chiriqui Viejo valley, be- tween El Volcan & Cerro Punta, G. White 3 (F, GH, MO); valley of the upper Rio Chiriqui Viejo, P. White 24 (MO); Rio Chiriqui Viejo valley, nr El Volcan, P. White 188 (MO, US); Casita Alta, Volcan Chiriqui, Woodson et al. 809 (A, F, MO); vic of New Switzer- land, central valley Rio Chiriqui Viejo, Allen 1356 (GH, MO, US).
Note Specimens of this population have usually been identified as S. costaricensis, probably because of J. Donnell Smith's numerous collections in Costa Rica and because Buscalioni, in his monograph of the American species of Saurauia, never re- cognized the name S. veraguasensis. Instead, he recognized Smith's epithet and published a new name, S. pseudoveraguensis, citing only Seemann's type collection.
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