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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/20/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/20/2013)
Species Sapium aucuparium Jacquin
PlaceOfPublication Enum. Pl. Carib. 31, 1760. Fig. 22.
Synonym Sapium jamaicense Sw., Adn. Bot. 62, 1829. Sapium pleiostachys Schum. & Pittier, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 164, pl. 10, 1908. Sapium anadenum Schum. & Pittier, loc. cit., pl. 11.
Description Tree to 20 m; monoecious. Leaves membranous; petiole 2-3 cm long with the two glands at or near the apex, subopposite or alternate, stipitate to obsolete; stipules obsolete; blade elliptic to obovate, 9-12 X 3-5 cm, often rather glossy on both surfaces, the secondary veins many, parallel for most of their length, leaving midrib more or less at right angles, the base obtuse, sometimes unequal, the margin subentire to regularly strongly tufted, the apex acuminate, sometimes cucullate. Spikes in clusters of 3-5 (rarely fewer), to 10 cm long, bisexual. Staminate flowers in groups of 2-3 (-5), the subtending bract prominent in young spikes, deltoid, to 3 mm long, caducous, the basal glands persistent, prominent; calyx minute to ca 1 mm long, 2-lipped; often caducous; stamens 2. Pistillate flowers 8-15, singly at the basal nodes of the spike, the bract equaling male, caducous but basal glands persistent, smaller than in male; calyx cupular of two unequal segments, free almost to! base; ovary orbicular, the styles simple, to 2 mm long, connate for ca 1/2 length, erect, upper half uncinate, the whole stylar column caducous leaving a short rounded peg. Capsule ovoid, to 8 mm long; seed flattened-ovoid.
Habit Tree
Distribution Cuba, Jamaica, Central and northern South America. Quite widely distributed in Panama with no clear altitude or environmental preference.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: region of Almirante, Cooper 350 (F, US); Changuinola valley, Dun- lap 210 (US). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado I, Kenoyer 661 (US). CHIRIQUI: Boquete, Davidson 852 (F, MO, US); Progreso, Cooper & Slater 197 (F, NY, US). SAN BLAS: Puerto Obaldia, Pittier 4328 (US).
Note The application of this name and of S. biglandulosum (L.) Muell.-Arg. follows that of Croizat (Jour. Arnold Arb. 24: 174 et seq., 1943).
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