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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
United StatesOklahoma 12 Jun 1916 Mary Strong Clemens11517MO
United StatesOklahomaCarter [34°14'00"N] [097°18'00"W] 12 Jun 1971 David Castaner1390MO
United StatesOklahomaCarter [34°14'00"N] [097°18'00"W] 12 Jun 1971 David Castaner1390MO
United StatesTexas 21 Apr 1902 J. Reverchon2887MO
United StatesTexas 24 Apr 1903 Anonymouss.n.MO
United StatesTexas 14 Apr 1903 J. Reverchon3633MO
United StatesTexas 5 Apr 1903 J. Reverchon3671MO
United StatesTexas May 1849 - October 1849 Charles (Carlos) Wright719GH
United StatesTexasDallas [32°46'00"N] [096°47'00"W] 17 Apr 1902 J. Reverchon2892MO
United StatesTexasMcCulloch 1700 ft [31°11'00"N] [099°21'00"W] 07 May 1993 Stanley D. Jones, Joseph K. Wipff & S.D. Hatch10008TEX
United StatesTexasMcCulloch 1700 ft [31°11'00"N] [099°21'00"W] 07 May 1993 Stanley D. Jones, Joseph K. Wipff & S.D. Hatch10008GH
United StatesTexasMcCulloch 1700 ft [31°11'00"N] [099°21'00"W] 07 May 1993 Stanley D. Jones, Joseph K. Wipff & S.D. Hatch10008NY
United StatesTexasMcCulloch 1700 ft [31°11'00"N] [099°21'00"W] 07 May 1993 Stanley D. Jones, Joseph K. Wipff & S.D. Hatch10008MICH
United StatesTexasUvalde [29°22'00"N] [099°46'00"W] 13 Jun 1916 Ernest J. Palmer10172MO
United StatesTexasUvalde 820 - 850 f 29°13'14"N 099°28'21"W 24 Apr 2003 Caleb A. Morse & H. Loring9244MO
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