Perennial, erect herb with woody root and erect, branched rhizome producing simple branches. Leaves densely villose, radical and basal long-petioled, lamina oblong, bi- to tripinnatisect, segments linear, cauline leaves sessile. Capitula long-peduncled, large, hemispherical to globose, heterogamous, borne in simple raceme. Receptacle ± convex, sparsely scaly. Involucre saucer-shaped, 3-4-seriate; phyllaries elliptic, brown scarious on margins. Flowers numerous (more than 100), all fertile, tubular, corolla and ovary densely scaly. Marginal flowers female, uniseriate, with shortly 4-lobed corolla, lobes alternately unequal, obtuse, style exserted. Disc flowers bisexual, with tubular, inflated above, 5-lobed corolla, lobes obtuse. Stamens included, anthers connate in a tube with triangular-ovate, obtuse apical appendages. Achenes ± quadrangular-pyramidate, sparsely scaly.