Published In:
Taxon 12: 294. 1963. ( Taxon)
(Last Modified On 5/10/2022)
(Last Modified On 6/14/2022)
Small herb up 20 cm high. Leaves pale green. Anthers pale yellow. Stigma red. Corolla lobes pale blue.
Flowers have been observed in September, Ocotber, and November; Fruits in October.
The species is found in bowal grasslands (over bauxite, iron, or sandstone) or on granite inselbergs. Bowal is a type of grassland habitat that forms over a hard carapace of iron or bauxite and in some cases old sandstone. It grows in shallow soils which are seasonally inundated or have seepage areas. It flowers in the early part of the wet season and is generally found where there is less grass cover.
Guinée, Sierra Leone, Côte d'Ivoire
Distribution Note
The species is a West African species occurring in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast. The most recent collections have been made in Guinea, no collections have been made of this species in Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast since 1965 and 1979 respectively. Originally thought to be endemic to the Fouta Djallon region in Guinea, it has been identified from similar habitats in Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone.
More literature
Hutchinson, J. and Dalziel , J.M. 1963. Flora of West Tropical Africa, Vol. 2. Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations, London.
Zones Clés de Biodiversité
Monts Nimba (GIN9)
(Last Modified On 6/14/2022)
Red List Category
Near Threatened
Status of Conservation Assessment
Published on the Red List
Date of assessment
13 March 2018
Assessment rationale
This species was evaluated in 2018 and published in 2019 on the IUCN Red List as Near Threatened according to Criterion B. We proposed an update of this assessment.
Djaloniella ypsilostyla is a small herb about 10 cm high, with blue flowers. It grows in rocky places where the soil is thin and wet. This species is endemic to West Africa, occurring in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast. It is known from 28 collections made between 1907 and 2012, which represent 19 or 20 subpopulations. No population data are available for the species. Based on a 2 km × 2 km grid cell size, the AOO is estimated at 88 km2, below the upper threshold for “Endangered” status under Criterion B2, and its extent of occurrence (EOO) has been calculated to be more than 176,000 km2, above the upper threshold for “Vulnerable” status under Criterion B1. This species is threatened by small-scale agriculture, grazing, and urbanization. The 19 or 20 subpopulations represent a total of 19 or 20 locations (sensu IUCN 2019) with respect to the most important threat (grazing), which exceeds the upper limit for “Vulnerable” status under criterion B. This species, therefore, qualifies as Least Concern [LC].
This preliminary assessment was prepared in December 2019. The map proposed below is only based on the specimens available on Tropicos, therefore, may not correspond to the information provided in the assessment rationale.
Conservation measures
The species should be sought in Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast because no collections have been made since 1965 and 1979 respectively.
Specimens whose coordinates are enclosed in square brackets [ ] have been mapped to a standard reference mark based on political
Africa & Madagascar
1034 m,
09°15'59"N 008°55'22"W,
28 October 2008,
Laura Pearce 34
1034 m,
09°15'59"N 008°55'22"W,
28 October 2008,
Laura Pearce 34
1034 m,
09°15'59"N 008°55'22"W,
28 October 2008,
Laura Pearce 34
1034 m,
09°15'59"N 008°55'22"W,
28 October 2008,
Laura Pearce 34
1034 m,
09°15'59"N 008°55'22"W,
28 October 2008,
Laura Pearce 34
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Nzérékoré, Lola:
570 m,
07°40'58"N 008°26'28"W,
18 October 2012,
C. C. H. Jongkind, Moussa Diabaté & David Bilivogui 11487
Ivory Coast
09°33'00"N 007°17'00"W,
22 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4323
Ivory Coast
09°33'00"N 007°17'00"W,
22 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4323
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
09°31'22"N 007°39'39"W,
20 October 1974,
J. de Koning 4187
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Ivory Coast
300 m,
08°02'00"N 006°38'00"W,
22 October 1979,
A.P.M. de Kruif 414
Sierra Leone
[08°23'48"N 011°35'28"W],
12 November 1965,
Morton, J.K. SL2442
Sierra Leone
[08°23'48"N 011°35'28"W],
12 November 1965,
J.-G. Adam 21880
Sierra Leone
[08°23'48"N 011°35'28"W],
12 November 1965,
Morton, J.K. SL2442