Plants 180–350 mm high. Corm 12–18 mm diam.; tunics of wiry, black fibres. Stem abruptly flexed outward above sheath of foliage leaf, simple or few-branched, branches also flexed outward, bearing attenuate sheathing leaves 20–40 mm long. Foliage leaf solitary, inserted well above ground, channelled, exceeding stem, usually trailing distally, 4–10 mm wide. Rhipidial spathes attenuate, inner 50–80 mm long, outer ± 1/2 as long. Flowers long-lived, pale yellow or salmon pink, outer tepals limbs usually with deep yellow nectar guides at bases edged green, spreading, claws suberect, forming a narrow cup ± 12 mm deep, including filaments and anthers, ± 10 mm wide at mouth; outer tepals ± obovate, (25–)30–35 × 10–12 mm, claws 12–15 mm long, often papillate near bases, inner tepals 24–30 × 10 mm. Filaments united in a cylindric column 6–7 mm long, lightly pubescent in lower 1/2; anthers 5–6 mm long, slightly diverging above, yellow, pollen yellow. Ovary cylindric, (10–)14–19 mm long, often partly included; style branches (5–)6 mm long, diverging slightly and reaching anther tips, stigma lobe arched over anther tips, crests ± 1 mm long, erect to incurved. Capsules cylindric, (21–)30–40 mm long, short rounded beak ± 1 mm long. Seeds angular. Chromosome number 2n = 24. Flowering time: late June–early September.