8b. var. missouriensis (Torr.) Goodman & C.A. Lawson (Leonard’s skullcap)
S. parvula var. leonardii (Epling) Fernald
S. leonardii Epling
Pl. 441 k
Stems glabrous
or more commonly sparsely to moderately pubescent with short, upward-curved,
nonglandular hairs. Leaf blades lanceolate to ovate or ovate-triangular, the
margins curled under, the undersurface with sparse, curved, nonglandular hairs
along the veins, sometimes nearly glabrous, the blades of the largest leaves
with mostly 1 or 2 secondary veins on each side of the midvein, the lateral
veins mostly not joined, free to their tips. Calyces pubescent with minute,
nonglandular hairs. 2n=20. May–July.
Scattered nearly
throughout the state, but apparently absent from the Mississippi Lowlands
Division (eastern U.S. west to North Dakota and Texas; Canada). Glades,
bottomland prairies, upland prairies, ledges and tops of bluffs, and mesic to
dry upland forests; also railroads and roadsides.