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Erythrococca molleri (Pax) Prain Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Annalen der Botanick. ed. Usteri 25: 621. 1911. (Ann. Bot. (Usteri)) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 12/8/2019)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 11/8/2021)
Description : Shrub up to 1 m.
Habitus : Shrub up to 7 m
Phenology : Flowers have been observed in january, february, march, september, and ocotber; fruits in february, april, july, and october.
Habitat : Known from dense humid forest and river bank, between 14 and 1,969 m in elevation.
Distribution : São Tomé & Príncipe (endemic)
Distribution Note : The species is endemic to São Tomé and Príncipe. It occurs within two protected areas: PNOST and PNP.
More literature : Figueiredo, E. 1994. Little known endemics collected by J. Espírito Santo in S. Tomé. Garcia de Orta. Serie de Botanica. Revista da Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar Lisboa 12(1): 121-124., Figueiredo, E. 1997. Trees of S. Tomé and Príncipe.
Case Study : Príncipe, São Tomé

Conservation assessment     (Last Modified On 11/8/2021)
Red List Category : Least Concern
Status of Conservation Assessment : Submitted to Red List
Date of assessment : 05 November 2021
Assessment rationale : Erythrococca molleri is a shrub up to 1 m, known from the dense humid forest and the riverbank, between 14 and 1,969 m in elevation. The species is endemic to São Tomé and Príncipe and is known by 85 collections made between 1885 (Moller 153) and 2020 (Ikabanga 1156). We excluded ten collections (Henriques 22; 24; 1905; Moller 3; Campos 74; Oliviera 1608; 1623; 1706, Figueiredo 252; Matos 7754) because no locality information is provided or locality can not be georeferenced. Moreover, we consider one occurrence represented by the collection of Chevalier 14182 made in Porto Alegre in São Tomé as extirpated because of the human construction and intensive plantations in this region that has induced the disappearance of the natural habitats. This occurrence is not taken into account in the AOO and EOO calculations. Erythrococca molleri occurs within three protected areas: Park Natural de Obô de São Tomé (PNOST) and Park Natural de Príncipe (PNP). The 74 remaining collections represent 58 occurrences and two to four subpopulations. Considering forest cover, which is still significant in the other areas, we do not regard any of these 58 remaining occurrences as extirpated. Based on cell size of 2 x 2 km, the AOO of this species is estimated as 140 km2, below the upper threshold for Endangered status under subcriterion B2. The EOO is calculated as 2,083 km2, above the upper threshold for Endangered status under subcriterion B1. The occurrence within PNP is not threatened and represents one location. In São Tomé, three occurrences located between Lagoa Azul and Pedreira 2 are threatened by cocoa plantations and represent one location. The occurrence at Plancas 1 is threatened by illegal logging and cocoa plantations and represents one location. Five occurrences located between Ribeira Palma and Marro Virgia are threatened by illegal logging and represent one location. Seven occurrences located between Bom Sucesso and Sao Nicolau are threatened by horticulture and represent one location. We consider that these seven occurrences will disappear in the near future. Eight occurrences located between Campo Grande, Nova Moca and Milagrosa are threatened by coffee plantations and represent one location. Three occurrences located at Bombaim are threatened by illegal logging and represent one location. The occurrence located in the south of Bom Sucesso is threatened by small-scale agriculture and represents one location. The occurrence at Claudina does not appear to be threatened and represents one location. The occurrence at the top of Pico Macuru is not threatened and represents one location. The occurrence located between Praia Grande and Praia Monte Mario is threatened by palm oil plantation and represents one location. The two occurrences located between Porto Alegre and Ponta Baleia are threatened by small-scale agriculture and represent one location. Inside PNOST, twelve occurrences that are located between Lagoa Amélia and Pico de São Tomé are indirectly threatened by tourism and invasive plants and represent one location. One occurrence in the North of the Obo de São Tomé Natural Park (PNOST) is threatened by illegal logging and represents one location. The eleven other occurrences are not threatened and represent one location. Therefore, these 58 occurrences represent 15 locations (sensu IUCN, 2019), with regard to the most serious plausible threats (small-scale agriculture), much more than 10 locations, the upper limit of the Vulnerable category under subcriterion B2. Based on the past disappearance of one occurrence in Porto Alegre and the future disappearance of seven occurrences around Bom Sucesso and Sao Nicolau, we infer a continuing decline in its AOO, EOO, the number of locations, the extent and the quality of its habitat, and the number of mature individuals. According to criteria B, Erythrococca molleri is therefore assessed as LC.
Disclaimer : This assessment was prepared on 5 November 2021. The map proposed below is only based on the specimens available on Tropicos, therefore, may not correspond to the information provided in the assessment rationale.
Conservation measures : Erythrococca molleri is known from several occurrences, the majority of which are present in protected areas: PNOST and PNP. The species is not threatened and doesn’t require any specific conservation measures.



Specimens whose coordinates are enclosed in square brackets [ ] have been mapped to a standard reference mark based on political units.
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