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Euphorbia caeladenia Boiss. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium Novarum, ser. 2 4: 81. 1859. (Diagn. Pl. Orient., ser. 2,) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text : A. RADCLIFFE-SMITH
Flower/Fruit : Fl. Per.: Mar: July; Fr. Per.: May-July.
Type : Holotype: Baluchistan, ‘inter segetes in agro Brahuico frequens’, Khuzdar [Khozdar], 1850, J.E. Stocks 731 (K); Isotype (G).
Distribution : Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan. On open stony limestone hillsides, in ravines, in fields on sandy or clayey soil and by irrigation canals and waterways; 4600'/1400 m. - 9500'/2900 m.
Comment/Acknowledgements : Euphorbia retusa Forssk. is recorded by Stewart, op. cit. 452. 1972, for Baluchistan, but this is unlikely since this species ranges from the Canaries to N. Arabia. I have not seen the specimens he cites, but it is most likely that they are referable either to caeladenia or to one of the next 2 species.
Illustration : Euphorbia caeladenia Boiss. (Illustration)
Map Location : D-4 Quetta - Pishin: nr. Quetta, 1838-9, W. Griffith 352,415 (K); Kirani, 1851, J.E. Stocks 1069 (type of E. stocksiana), 1096 (K); Quetta, 9 Apr. 1888, J.F. Duthie 8710 (K); Burj-i Taba, Hughes Buller 1924a (fide Rechinger); Urak, 10 Jun. 1945, Santapau 6745 (K); Quetta Maidan, 9 Jun. 1952, Hn. Crookshank 27 (K); 23 Mar. 1953, Hy. Crookshank 14 (K); ‘inter Bostan et Khanozai’, 10 May 1965, K.Y. Rechinger 29143 (K, W); Hanna, 21 Jun. 1965, M.A. Siddiqi & Y. Nasir 3548 (RAW); Quetta - Pishin/Zhob: Khanozai to Hindubagh, 21 May 1969, Zaffar Ali 5641 (K, RAW), 5644 (RAW); Sibi: Kawas, May 1893, J.F. Duthie s.n. (K); Ziarat, 20 Jul. 1952, Hn. Crookshank 232, 331 (K); E/F-4 Kalat: ‘inter segetes in agra Brahuico’ (in scheda) ‘Khuzdar’ (Khuzdar) (fide Rechinger, Stewart), 1850, J.E. Stocks 731 (K).


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A ± erect, glabrous, glaucous perennial herb upto 40 cm tall, although usually c. 20 cm tall, with several stems borne on caudiculi arising from a woody stock. Stem-leaves alternate, sessile, variable in shape and size, from linear to lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 1-7 x 0.1-1 (-1.5) cm, those of the axillary shoots narrower than those of the main stems, acute, subacute, obtuse or round-ed at the apex, rounded or shallowly cordate at the base, subentire to irregularly or uniformly sharply denticulate, sometimes the margin also crisped-undulate, obscurely palminerved. Pseudumbels 3-4 (-5)-rayed; pseudumbel-leaves 3-5, whorled, slightly larger than those of the main stem but otherwise resembling them; ray-leaves opposite, progressively shorter and broader than the pseudumbel leaves. Cyathia terminating each axis. Glands transversely ovate, rounded on the outer edge, ochreous. Fruits trilobate, ± conical, 6 x 5 mm, smooth. Styles various, united at the base or for upto 1/3 their length, ½ mm long, bifid, bilobate or ± undivided. Seeds obovoid-cylindric, 4.5 x 3 x 2.5 mm (excluding the caruncle), ± smooth, pale grey or whitish, with a stipitate conical caruncle.
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