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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
  J.P.B. Delesserts.n.C
Afghanistan [33°52'52"N] [067°46'35"E]   William Griffith546K
Afghanistan [33°52'52"N] [067°46'35"E]   William Griffith1368aNY
Afghanistan [33°52'52"N] [067°46'35"E]   William Griffith546NY
AfghanistanKabul   Johann Martin Honigbergers.n.W
Iran 1600 m [32°24'32"N] [053°51'53"E] 19 May 1964 Martin L. Grant15742MO
IranEsfahan 1750 m 33°52'15"N 050°48'00"E 02 June 2003 Mehdi Zarrei & et al.257K
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321C
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321G
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321K
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321M
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321P
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321S
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321UPS
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321BM
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321MO
IranFars 29°36'54"N 052°32'18"E 03 May 1842 Theodor Kotschy321A
IranGilan 24 July 1902 Th. Alexeenko419B
IranGilan 24 July 1902 Th. Alexeenko419LE
Iraq [33°09'58"N] [043°51'26"E] 21 April 1962 Fred A. Barkley & Hikmat Abbas2020MO
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