(Last Modified On 7/12/2013)
(Last Modified On 7/12/2013)
Centropogon cornutus (L.) Druce
Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 3: 416. 1914.
Lobelia cornuta L., Sp. PI. 930. 1753. TYPE LOCALITY: "Cayenna." Lobelia surinamensis L., Sp. PI., ed. 2. 1320. 1763. TYPE LOCALITY: Surinam. Lobelia obscura L., PI. Surin. 14. 1775. TYPE LOCALITY: Surinam. Lobelia laevigata L. f., Suppl. PI. 392. 1781. TYPE: Surinam, Dalberg s.n. (not seen). Lobelia andropogon Cav., Anal. Hist. Nat. 2. 106. 1800. TYPE: Ecuador, Nee s.n. (not seen). Lobelia spectabilis H. B. K., Nov. Gen. Sp. PI. 3: 306. 1819. TYPE LOCALITY: Venezuela. Lobelia purpurea Vell., Fl. Flum. Icon 8: pl. 156. 1827. TYPE LOCALITY: Brazil. Siphocampylus macranthus Pohl, PI. Bras. Icon. 2: 105, pl. 168. 1831. TYPE LOCALITY: Brazil. Siphocampylus spectabilis (H.B.K.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3: 702. 1834. Siphocampylus surinamensis (L.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3: 702. 1834. Siphocampylus andropogon (Cav.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 3: 703. 1834. Centropogon murinamensis (L.) Presl, Prodr. Monogr. Lobel. 48. 1836. Centropogon laevigatus (L.f.) A. DC., Prodr. 7: 344. 1829. Centropogon andropogon (Cav.) A. DC., Prodr. 7: 345. 1839. Lobelia sphaerocarpa Juss. ex. A. DC., Prodr. 7: 345. 1839, pro syn. Centropogon fastuosum H. Jacq., Ann. Fl. Pom. II. 3: 118. 1845.
Suffrutescent herbs 1-3 m tall, often somewhat scandent; stems simple or branched, hollow, glabrous in the lower portions and short, spreading, stiff- pubescent above. Median cauline leaves with blades oblong to ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong to elliptic, 10-15(-25) cm long, usually 2-3 times as long as wide, apically acute or acuminate, basally rounded to cuneate, marginally subentire to obscurely denticulate or shallowly crenate-denticulate with 3-8 sharp teeth per cm, glabrous above and glabrous to minutely scaberulous on the veins beneath; petiole 0.5-2 cm long. Flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, 6-8 cm long; pedicels erect, sparsely to densely puberulent, (3.5-)4.5-7( -9.5) cm long, the bracteoles paired, ciliate, linear 4-10 (-15) mm long, borne at or near the pedicel base; hypanthium glabrous to bristly-pubescent; calyx lobes narrowly lanceolate to linear or linear-subulate, denticulate, often marginally short bristly- pubescent, 8.5-20 mm long, usually wide-spreading at maturity; corolla red or pink, the lobes often white or occasionally the corolla completely white, the tube 3.54.5 cm long, moderately to strongly curved throughout its length, narrowest basally and gradually widening upward, glabrous, sparingly hirsute, pilose, or sparingly spreading short-pubescent along the principal veins externally, glabrous internally, the lobes spreading, falcate, deltoid, the 2 upper lobes 7-9 mm long, the 3 lower lobes slightly shorter, all lobes marginally bearing stiff whitish hairs 0.5-1.2 mm long; filament tube 46-60 mm long, white or white and distally pink, glabrous below, distally sparsely to moderately pilose with the trichomes 1.5-3(-5) mm long, basally distinct and united to the corolla tube, the anther tube 7.5-9.5 mm long, densely hirsute especially along the connectives and at the base and apex, the trichomes mostly 1.5-2.5 mm long, the terminal pubescence of the 2 shorter anthers fused into a triangular, hardened scale ca. 3 mm long. Berries scarcely inflated, a little broader than high, 10-17 mm in diameter; seeds flattened with rounded edges, more or less circular in outline, 0.6-1.8 mm in diameter, shallowly foveate-reticulate.
This species has been reported from Mexico (Oaxaca), Panama, the Lesser Antilles, and throughout northern South America-especially the lowlands- south to Bolivia and southern Brazil.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Fish Creek Hills, vie. of Chiriqui, von Wedel 2408 (GH, MO, US). CA- NAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Aviles 81b (F, MO). Gatuin Station on Panama Railroad, Hayes 77 (GH). Empire to Mandinga, Piper 5441 (US). Near Culebra, 50-290 m, Pittier 2221 (C, F, GH, NY, US). Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 424 (F, MO). Las Cascadas Plantation, near Summit, Standley 29575, 25714, 25758 (all US). Vie. of Fort Sherman, Standley 31056 (US). COLON: Roadside W of Portobelo, D'Arcy 4070 (MO). Between Rio Guanche and Rio Iguanita, 20 m, Dressler 4898b (DUKE). Ca. 1 km S of Portobelo, Gentry & Nee 8757 (DUKE). Santa Rita Hills, Smith & Smith 3415 (F, US). DARIEN: Vie. of Cana, 1750 ft, Stem et al. 463 (GH, MO, US). Old town of Cana, 1750 ft, Stern et al. 486 (MO). PANAMA: Cerro Trinidad, 800-1000 m, Allen 3769 (GH, MICH, MO). Near settlement of Aguacate, ca. 1 mi N of Cerro Trinidad, 350 m, Foster 2147 (DUKE, PMA).
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