Annual, 10-50 cm. Sterns weak, decumbent to ascending, more or less branched, cymose at top, often with 1-2 lines of hairs, sometimes glabrous. Leaves 1-6 x 0.6-3 cm., long-petioled to sessile, ovate to oblong-elliptical, acute or short-acuminate, glabrous or ciliate. Pedicels as long as or longer than calyx, usually puberulent. Flowers many, in more or less dichasial cymes. Sepals 2-6.5 mm., ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, narrowly white-margined, pubescent to glabrous. Petals longer or as long as or shorter than sepals, white, 2-fid to 2-partite, sometimes O. Stamens usually 3-5, sometimes 5 or more. Styles 3, very short, to 1.5 mm. long. Capsule exceeding calyx or equalling it, ovoid-oblong. Seeds 0.7-1.4 mm. in diam., dark to pale brown, with acute or obtuse tubercles. Fl. January-April.