Biennial or perennial, canescent, with crisp, appressed, non-glandular hairs, 30-70 cm. Stems many, dichotomously branching. Radical leaves rosulate, oblong-spatulate, tapering into a petiole; stem leaves mostly sessile, ovate to oblong, acute. Inflorescences branching dichasially into monochasial cymes, with alar flowers between them. Bracteoles small, rather membranous, oblong-lanceolate to ovate, ciliate. Pedicels very short, spreading or deflexed in fruit. Flowers 1.3-1.8 cm. Calyx 0.9-1.2 cm., cylindrical, ovoid-oblong in fruit, papillose-setose along the prominent nerves; teeth small, ovate-lanceolate, ciliate. Petals white-cream; limb obovate, 2-partite almost to base, with obtuse coronal scales. Capsule 7-8 mm., oblong-ovoid, much longer than carpophore. Seeds up to 2 mm., tuberculate, with plane faces and grooved back. Fl. March-May.