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Literature Based Distribution
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Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
AustriaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
BoliviaLa PazJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck2014Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de BoliviaCat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744
BoliviaLa PazJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes2015 en adelanteCatálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea)  
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
BulgariaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
CanadaFernald, M.1950(none)Manual (ed. 8)i–lxiv, 1–1632
CanadaGreat Plains Flora Association1986(none)Fl. Great Plainsi–vii, 1–1392
CanadaManitobaFernald, M.1950(none)Manual (ed. 8)i–lxiv, 1–1632
ChinaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
ChinaXinjiang UygurFlora of China Editorial Committee2001Flora of China (Caryophyllaceae through Lardizabalaceae)Fl. China6: 1–512
CzechoslovakiaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
HungaryBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
IranBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
KazakhstanBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
KazakhstanFlora of China Editorial Committee2001Flora of China (Caryophyllaceae through Lardizabalaceae)Fl. China6: 1–512
MexicoBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoChiapasBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoChiapasUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
MexicoTabascoUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
MongoliaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
MongoliaFlora of China Editorial Committee2001Flora of China (Caryophyllaceae through Lardizabalaceae)Fl. China6: 1–512
RomaniaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
Russian FederationFlora of China Editorial Committee2001Flora of China (Caryophyllaceae through Lardizabalaceae)Fl. China6: 1–512
Russian FederationBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
United StatesRolfsmeier, S. B., R. B. Kaul, Garabrandt & D. M. Sutherland1988New and corrected floristic records for NebraskaTrans. Nebraska Acad. Sci.6: 115–121
United StatesMunz, P. A.1968(none)Suppl. Calif. Fl.1–224
United StatesVoss, E. G.1985Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae)Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci.59. xix + 724
United StatesGreat Plains Flora Association1986(none)Fl. Great Plainsi–vii, 1–1392
United StatesFernald, M.1950(none)Manual (ed. 8)i–lxiv, 1–1632
United StatesCaliforniaMunz, P. A.1968(none)Suppl. Calif. Fl.1–224
United StatesIndianaFernald, M.1950(none)Manual (ed. 8)i–lxiv, 1–1632
United StatesKansasGreat Plains Flora Association1986(none)Fl. Great Plainsi–vii, 1–1392
United StatesMichiganVoss, E. G.1985Michigan Flora. Part II Dicots (Saururaceae-Cornaceae)Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci.59. xix + 724
United StatesNebraskaFernald, M.1950(none)Manual (ed. 8)i–lxiv, 1–1632
United StatesNebraskaRolfsmeier, S. B., R. B. Kaul, Garabrandt & D. M. Sutherland1988New and corrected floristic records for NebraskaTrans. Nebraska Acad. Sci.6: 115–121
YugoslaviaBarkoudah, Y. I.1962A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna.Wentia9(S3): 1-203
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