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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
MexicoGuerrero 1270 m 18°07'00"N 101°02'00"W 15 July 1937 George B. Hinton & James C. Hinton10519GBH
MexicoGuerrero 550 m 17°55'00"N 101°19'00"W 08 October 1937 George B. Hinton & James C. Hinton11480GBH
MexicoMéxicoTejupilco 18°54'00"N 100°09'00"W 14 October 1935 George B. Hinton8554GBH
MexicoMéxicoTemascaltepec 2300 m 18°51'00"N 100°10'12"W 18 August 1932 George B. Hinton1382GBH
MexicoMichoacánApatzingán 830 m 18°40'19"N 102°44'07"W 18 September 1939 George B. Hinton & et al.15188GBH
MexicoMichoacánApatzingán 830 m 18°40'19"N 102°44'07"W 18 September 1939 George B. Hinton & et al.15188MO
MexicoMichoacánCoalcomán 1200 m 18°53'01"N 103°08'34"W 28 October 1938 George B. Hinton & James C. Hinton12464GBH
MexicoMichoacánMorelia 2000 m 19°49'56"N 101°12'18"W 15 septembre 1909 Bro. G. Arsène2452MO
MexicoMichoacánMorelia 1950 m 19°40'48"N 101°11'07"W 15 août 1909 Bro. G. Arsène2943MO
MexicoMichoacánMorelia 19°40'15"N 101°13'27"W 04 avril 1910 Bro. G. Arsène5946MO
MexicoMichoacánMorelia 2000 m 19°41'22"N 101°08'19"W 18 août 1910 Bro. G. Arsène5467MO
MexicoMichoacánZitácuaro 600 m 18°54'10"N 100°44'14"W 05 October 1938 George B. Hinton & James C. Hinton13325GBH
MexicoMorelosCuernavaca 04 August 1896 Cyrus G. Pringle7241GH
MexicoOaxacaJuchitán 330 m 16°37'03"N 094°57'22"W 01 noviembre 2002 A. Saynes Vásquez & Arturo Sánchez M.3609MO
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