Guatemala | | | Stevenson, D. W., R. Osborne & J. Hendricks | 1990 | A world list of cycads | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. | 57: 200–206 |
Guatemala | | | Stevenson, D. W., S. Sabato & M. Vázquez Torres | 1986 | A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico with comments on species relationships, habitats, and vegetative morphology in Ceratozamia | Brittonia | 38(1): 17–26 |
Mexico | | | Breedlove, D.E. | 1986 | Flora de Chiapas | Listados Floríst. México | 4: i–v, 1–246 |
Mexico | | | Stevenson, D. W., R. Osborne & J. Hendricks | 1990 | A world list of cycads | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. | 57: 200–206 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Breedlove, D.E. | 1986 | Flora de Chiapas | Listados Floríst. México | 4: i–v, 1–246 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Stevenson, D. W., R. Osborne & J. Hendricks | 1990 | A world list of cycads | Mem. New York Bot. Gard. | 57: 200–206 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Pérez-Farrera, M.Á., J. González-Astorga, S. Avendaño Reyes & C. G. Iglesias | 2007 | A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from the Sierra Madre of Chiapas, Mexico, with comments on species relationships | Bot. J. Linn. Soc. | 153(4): 393–400 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | SPECIMEN BASED RECORD | | Published protolog data | | |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Ulloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp | 2025 | Cycadaceae a Cactaceae | Fl. Mesoamer. | 2(1): in press |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Martínez-Domínguez, L., F. Nicolalde-Morejón, F. Vergara-Silva & D. W. Stevenson | 2022 | Monograph of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): An endangered genus | PhytoKeys | 208: 1-102 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Pérez-Farrera, M.Á., A. P. Vovides & C. G. Iglesias | 2001 | A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico | Bot. J. Linn. Soc. | 137(1): 77–80 |
Mexico | Chiapas | | Stevenson, D. W., S. Sabato & M. Vázquez Torres | 1986 | A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico with comments on species relationships, habitats, and vegetative morphology in Ceratozamia | Brittonia | 38(1): 17–26 |
Mexico | Chiapas | Acacoyagua | Martínez-Domínguez, L., F. Nicolalde-Morejón, F. Vergara-Silva & D. W. Stevenson | 2022 | Monograph of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): An endangered genus | PhytoKeys | 208: 1-102 |
Mexico | Chiapas | Escuintla | Martínez-Domínguez, L., F. Nicolalde-Morejón, F. Vergara-Silva & D. W. Stevenson | 2022 | Monograph of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): An endangered genus | PhytoKeys | 208: 1-102 |
Mexico | Chiapas | Siltepec | Martínez-Domínguez, L., F. Nicolalde-Morejón, F. Vergara-Silva & D. W. Stevenson | 2022 | Monograph of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): An endangered genus | PhytoKeys | 208: 1-102 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Stevenson, D. W., S. Sabato & M. Vázquez Torres | 1986 | A new species of Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) from Veracruz, Mexico with comments on species relationships, habitats, and vegetative morphology in Ceratozamia | Brittonia | 38(1): 17–26 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | Villaseñor Ríos, J. L. | 2016 | Checklist of the native vascular plants of Mexico/Catálogo de las plantas vasculares nativas de México | Revista Mex. Biodivers. | 87(3): 559–902 |
Mexico | Oaxaca | | García-Mendoza, A. J. & J. A. Meave del Castillo | 2011 | (none) | Divers. Floríst. Oaxaca | 1–351 |