Literature Based Distribution
Mapping will be based on a standard reference mark based on political units when available.
Kenya | | | Getliffe, F. M. & H. Baijnath | 1976 | Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa: 7. Cyperus prolifer Lam., a case of mistaken identity | J. S. African Bot. | 42(2): 273–281 |
Madagascar | | | Candolle, R. É. A. de | 1901 | Plantae Madagascarienses ab Alberto Mocquerysio lectae | Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, | 1(6): 549–587 |
Madagascar | | | Getliffe, F. M. & H. Baijnath | 1976 | Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa: 7. Cyperus prolifer Lam., a case of mistaken identity | J. S. African Bot. | 42(2): 273–281 |
Madagascar | | | Simpson, D. A. & C. A. Inglis | 2001 | Cyperaceae of economic, ethnobotanical and horticultural importance: a checklist | Kew Bull. | 56(2): 257–360 |
Mauritius | | | SPECIMEN BASED RECORD | | Published protolog data | | |
Mozambique | | | Getliffe, F. M. & H. Baijnath | 1976 | Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa: 7. Cyperus prolifer Lam., a case of mistaken identity | J. S. African Bot. | 42(2): 273–281 |
South Africa | | | Getliffe, F. M. & H. Baijnath | 1976 | Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa: 7. Cyperus prolifer Lam., a case of mistaken identity | J. S. African Bot. | 42(2): 273–281 |
Tanzania | | | Getliffe, F. M. & H. Baijnath | 1976 | Studies in Cyperaceae in southern Africa: 7. Cyperus prolifer Lam., a case of mistaken identity | J. S. African Bot. | 42(2): 273–281 |
United States | Florida | Highlands | Carter, R., R. L. Mears, K. C. Burks & C. T. Bryson | 1996 | A report of four exotic Cyperus (Cyperaceae) species new to Florida, U.S.A. | Sida | 17(1): 275–280 |
United States | Florida | Polk | Carter, R., R. L. Mears, K. C. Burks & C. T. Bryson | 1996 | A report of four exotic Cyperus (Cyperaceae) species new to Florida, U.S.A. | Sida | 17(1): 275–280 |