1. Bulbostylis capillaris (L.)
Kunth ex C.B. Clarke
Pl. 29 e–g; Map 117
B. capillaris var. crebra
B. capillaris var. isopoda
Plants annual, tufted. Stems usually
several per plant, 5–30 cm long, slender, erect or ascending, unbranched,
strongly ribbed, glabrous. Leaves basal and 1–2 along the lower stems. Leaf
sheaths with the apices thin, scarious, and with a dense fringe of cobwebby
hairs, the ligule absent. Leaf blades 1–11 cm long, less than 0.5 mm wide,
spreading to ascending, with usually 5 strongly ridged veins, the margins curled
inward, glabrous. Inflorescences terminal, subtended by 2 to several short,
leaflike bracts, composed of 2–9 spikelets, these sessile and/or stalked in
umbellate clusters, less commonly in headlike clusters or appearing as 1
stalked and 1 sessile spikelet. Spikelets 2–5 mm long, lanceolate to narrowly
elliptic in outline, the tips pointed, the florets 6–15 or more, several-ranked
in an overlapping spiral pattern. Spikelet scales 1.5–2.2 mm long, ovate,
keeled, glabrous or minutely hairy, the margins often irregular or with a
cobwebby fringe of fine hairs, dark brown to reddish brown, the green midrib
often extended into a short mucro at the tip. Florets perfect. Perianth
(bristles or scales) absent. Stamens 2. Styles expanded at the base and
persisting at the tip of the fruit as a minute, peglike or caplike tubercle,
usually dark brown at maturity and separated from it by a line or constriction.
Stigmas 3. Ovaries and fruits naked, without a perigynium (saclike covering).
Fruits 0.7–1.0 mm long, broadly elliptic to obovate in outline, strongly
3-angled, the surface with horizontal wrinkles, pale yellow to light brown. 2n=72,
84. June–October.
Scattered but widespread in eastern and
southern Missouri, mostly south of the Missouri River (eastern and southwestern
U.S., Mexico, Cuba, Asia). Glades, thin-soiled areas of prairies, and rocky
openings of dry upland forests, mostly on acidic substrates; also in open,
sandy areas, including sand prairie remnants, pond margins, and roadsides.
The small, wispy plants of this species are
easily overlooked in the field, particularly the smaller plants that occur on
sandstone and igneous glades. In some Missouri populations, short-stalked
spikelets are produced at the base of the plants in addition to inflorescences
at the tips of more usual stems. Production of such spikelets is sporadic and
unpredictable, and the mechanism regulating it is unknown.