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Faramea myrticifolia Dwyer Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Fieldiana: Botany, New Series 33: 134. 1993. (Fieldiana, Bot., n.s.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/24/2017)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 11/24/2017)
Notes : This species is characterized by its slender habit with relatively small narrow leaves, stipules with well developed aristas, short, generally terminal, few-flowered inflorescences with filiform peduncles and pedicels, apparently small white corollas with acute lobes, and subglobose to oblate somewhat small fruits. The mature flowers apparently have not yet been documented. Faramea myrticifolia is similar to Faramea cobana of northern Central America, has usually axillary inflorescences and a habitat at higher elevations. These species were separated based on their apparent morphological differences and their disjunct distributions by Lorence et al. (2012). Faramea myrticifolia is also similar to Faramea capulifolia, with solitary terminal flowers subtended by a pair of foliaceous bracts.
Distribution : Wet forest at 300-600 m in southern Nicaragua through central Costa Rica.


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