(Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
Sp. P1. 981. 1753
Pax in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 32:129. 1889.
Hertelia Neck. Elem. 2:345. 1790. Hernandezia Hoffmsgg. Verz. Pflz. Nachtr. 1:219. 1824. Biasolettia Presl, Rel. Haenk. 2:141. 1835. Hernandiopsis Meissn. in DC. Prodr. 15:264. 1864.
Trees; leaves broad and long-petiolate, entire; flowers unisexual, borne in clusters of 2 staminate and 1 pistillate in sessile, involucrate cymules at the ends of the inflorescence branches; staminate flowers with 3 outer and 3 inner perianth lobes united at the base into a pedicel-like tube, containing 3 stamens and 3-6 glandular staminodia; pistillate flowers with 4 outer and 3 inner perianth lobes united at the base into a tube, the ovary enclosed within a more or less foliaceous cupule, the stigma fleshy, funiform, accompanied by 4 sessile, glandular staminodia inserted at the orifice of the perianth tube; fruit a nut, usually more or less 8- ribbed, enclosed within the greatly enlarged cupule.
a. Leaves ovate-oblong, broadly rounded at the base, not cordate, glabrous; pistillate cupule more than half as long as the perianth tube, rather thin in texture, the orifice obscurely and unequally 3-lobed, not involute1.................................................... 1. N. DIDYMANTHA aa. Leaves broadly ovate, the base broadly cordate, more or less cinereous- puberulent beneath; pistillate cupule about one-third as long as the perianth tube, fleshy, truncate, the orifice margin strongly involute ...... 2. N. STENURA