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The Gardeners Dictionary: eighth edition
There has been some uncertainty if Miller made valid combinations of Linnaean basionyms. Clearly, Miller thoroughly studied the Linnaean system and adopted Linnaean epithets. Miller’s (1768) preface stated “In the last edition of this work, the author adopted in a great measure the system of Linnaeus, which was the prevailing method […] but as many of the plants which were treated of in the Gardeners Dictionary, were not to be found in any of Linnaeus’s works then published, Tournefort’s system was also applied to take in such as were not fully known to Dr. Linnaeus; but since that time the learned professor [Linnaues] having made great additions to his works, and those additions being generally consulted for the names of plants, the author has now applied Linnaeus’s method entirely, except in such particulars, where the Doctor [Linnaeus] not having had an opportunity of seeing the plants growing, they are ranged by him in wrong classes[.]” [quote taken from Frank et al. 2019; PMJ Apr 2022]