TL2 Author
Roemer, J. J. & J. A. Schultes
vol. 1, Jan-Jun 1817; vol. 2, Nov. 1817; vol. 3, Apr-Jul 1818; vol. 5, Dec 1819; vol. 6, Aug-Dec 1820; vol. 7(1), 1829; vol. 7(2), Oct-Dec 1830. From TL2: "Authorship: Original author: Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778). Co-author, with J.J. Roemer, of this edition: Josef August Schultes (1773-1831), for volumes 1-4. J.A. Schultes continued the book after Roemer's death and is the author of vols. 5 and 6, except for the Umbelliferae in 6: 315-628 which are by K.P.J. Sprengel, and of some special entries attributed to other authors, such as A.W. Roth. Volume 7 was authored by J.A. Schultes and Julius Herman Schultes (1804-1840). These authors also published the Mantissa in volumen primum [secundum, tertium] systematis vegetabilium ... ex editione Joan.
Jac. Roemer ... et Jos. Aug. Schultes, which is treated under J.A. Schultes (Mant. 1
and 2 by J.A. Schultes; Mant. 3 J.H. Schultes co-author)."