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Welcome to the Homepage of the Madagascar Catalogue

The Vahinala Project aims to assimilate information on all native and naturalized plant species in Madagascar, evaluating the available taxonomic literature and specimen base for each taxon. The primary result of the project is the Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar, an online database. The Missouri Botanical Garden leads the Project in collaboration with numerous institutional and individual partners. We completed a synonymized list of accepted species in 2008 and in 2012 we have completed the taxonomic evaluation of the majority of all genera and compiled distributional, ecological, and conservation status information for most well-circumscribed accepted species (View Project Milestones). In 2017 we added a preliminary checklist of bryophyte species, and changed the name of the website from the Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Madagascar to its current name.

Data in the Catalogue as of Jan. 2024 indicate that a total of 249 vascular plant families are represented, comprising a total of 1,698 genera and 11,580 native species of vascular plants (angiosperms, gymnosperms, and ferns) known from the island, 9,329 (82%) of which are endemic. In addition, ca. 950 unpublished new species, all endemic, were identified in 162 of the 587 genera that were evaluated in 2017 (some of which have now been published). Based on this and the rate of discovery of new species over the last three decades, the total flora is projected to comprise at least 14,900 species. When all species are taken into account, including those that remain to be described, nearly 90% of the native Malagasy flora will be endemic [Updated in 2024 from: Lowry, P. P., II, P. B. Phillipson, L. Andriamahefarivo, G. E. Schatz, F. Rajaonary and S. Andriambololonera. 2018. Flora. Pp. 243–255 in S. M. Goodman, M. J. Raherilalao and S. Wohlhauser (eds.), The terrestrial protected areas of Madagascar: Their history, description, and biota. Association Vahatra, Antananarivo].

...more information

Using the Madagascar Catalogue (MadCat) - The pale green horizontal Menu Bar provides access to basic search functions and standard TROPICOS links, while links on the pale green vertical Navigation Bar provides links to data browsing options, and to advance search options. A quick search for any plant name can most conveniently be made from the Taxon Name box on the Navigation Bar. The 'Search Builder' generates species lists based on multiple project attributes including a keyword search on a taxon name, thus generating a list restricted to a certain family or genus by specifying this name in the Keyword search box. Image Search accesses all images on TROPICOS, while the Project Query Builder is available only to logged-in users (Project Login access is normally only provided to project personnel and contributors).

On most pages in the upper right corner the words 'Choose Project' appear, providing links that enable the user to switch between a Madagascar Catalogue Project view and a standard TROPICOS view, or to the corresponding page in other TROPICOS Projects. Click on the Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar  header at any time to return to the Project Homepage.

...more information

What was new in 2024?

  • Descriptions of ten new species of Turraea L.  (Meliaceae, Turraeeae) from Madagascar  with notes on the species described by Buchenau - M.W. Callmander and L.Nusbaumer - Adansonia, sér. 3, 46 (11): 103-128. 

Taxa Publications
2021 in progress in progress
2020 x species...... xx article + 1 book
2019 x species...... .....
2018 x species...... ......

Protected Areas of Madagascar. Following the dramatic increase in the Protected Area Network in Madagascar, and the publication scheduled for early 2019 of  "Les aires protégées terrestres de Madagascar : Leur histoire, description et biote / The terrestrial protected areas of Madagascar: Their history, description, and biota.", we have worked towards updating data in the Madagascar Catalogue for the protected areas. We have placed special emphasis on the sites designated as KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas) by CEPT (The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund). We present as updated interaction map of the network, and an Index to the Protected Areas of Madagascar.

Publication of the Red List of Threatened Malagasy Plant Species. In conjunction with the Malagasy Plant Specialist Group of the IUCN, we have been undertaking Threat Analysis and Conservation Status evaluations of Malagasy Vascular plants. To date approximately 3,000 evaluation have been completed, and in May 2011 a first plant Red List for Madagascar was published. It includes 1,676 species assessed as Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered.


Kew Vegetation Atlas

View online at: 


Edge species...

(under construction....)

New Taxa

Newly added or revised treatments for Madagascar (last updated - 25 March 2019).

The extraordinary botanical diversity of inselbergs in Madagascar.
Marina N. Rabarimanarivo, Brigitte Ramandimbisoa, Nivo H. Rakotoarivelo, Peter B. Phillipson, Sylvie Andriambololonera, Martin W. Callmander & Stefan Porembski. 2019. Candollea 74: 65-83.

In this box we provide links to the most recently added species or newly treated plant taxa for Madagascar and other publications on the flora.

Candollea Notes. The fourth in a new series of taxonomic notes on the Malagasy flora edited by project personnel and collaborators will be published in the twice-yearly journal of Geneva Botanical Garden and Herbarium. The first appeared in December, 2010. To date 25 short articles have been published dealing with diverse plant groups including:




 ...read more and access series index

More than 15,360 images of Malagasy plants currently available (May, 2012), including 11395 photos of living plants and with more being added regularly. MadCat is richly illustrated with photos and high resolution scans of specimens.

See a selection of some of our favorite Malagasy plants but clicking on the image below (and find out what it is!), or search using the Images link on the horizontal menu bar or use the  Image Galleries links on the sidebar for more image search options.

Links to images for all higher taxa are available on all Family and Order pages, see for example: Fabaceae or Lamiales.

...information on this and other selected images

Plant Themes. We are developing a series of MadCat special interest themes accessible through the 'Plant Themes' link on the Navigation Bar, or through the 'Search Builder'. These currently include:

 • Parasitic Plants
 • Endemic Plant Families
 • Dye Plants


...more information and links

Protected Areas of Madagascar

The terrestrial protected areas of Madagascar, their history, description and biota.

Key Resources

Digital Library - The Vahinala Project is contributing to the development of online resources and is compiling a list of resources relevant to the plants of Madagascar. Online resources are growing rapidly, and important sites include:
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library)
Google Books
Real JB Madrid

The Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris has a valuable catalogue of online resources at:
Revues en ligne

Links to Other Key Resources

The Plant List
African Plant Database
JSTOR Plant Science (ex Aluka)
Flore Numérique d'Afrique Centrale
MBG Projects in Africa
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website
Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar
Gazetteer to Malagasy Botanical Collecting Localities
Field Techniques Used by Missouri Botanical Garden

The Vahinala Project

The Project Team - The project team comprises MBG staff based in St Louis, Princeton, Paris and Geneva, and staff of MBG's Madagascar Research and Conservation Program based in Antananarivo.

...more information

Vahinala Project Partners & Sponsors
 • MNHN, Paris
 • CJB, Geneva
 • FO.FI.FA, Antananarivo
 • PBZT, Antananarivo


 • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
 • Botanical Research Foundation of Idaho
 • JRS Biodiversity Foundation
 • Marisla Foundation
 • US National Science Foundation


...read more

We welcome feedback, please contact:
Peter Phillipson, George Schatz or Sylvie Andriambololonera.

Last update: 29 May 2017

Citation of this on-line resource:
Madagascar Catalogue. Catalogue of the Plants of Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A. & Antananarivo, Madagascar [https://www.tropicos.org/Project/Madagascar]
Accessed: ].

© 2024 Missouri Botanical Garden - 4344 Shaw Boulevard - Saint Louis, Missouri 63110